
Trump draws ire for remarks on Clinton’s emails

The U.S. intelligence officials conceded that they had based their views on deductive reasoning and not conclusive evidence, but suggested Russia’s aim probably was much broader than simply undermining Clinton’s campaign.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, Trump said at a news conference in Miami on Wednesday. “His lack of empathy and compassion can be summed up in the phrase I suspect he’s most proud of having made famous – ‘You’re fired.’ I mean, really, I’m not joking, think about that”.

The Clinton campaign called Trump’s statement the “first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against a political opponent”.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook responded to Trump’s Wednesday comments with a tone of disbelief, telling reporters the apparent hacking was “a national security issue”.

Trump was referencing emails on Clinton’s private server that she said she deleted, saying they were private, before turning other messages over to the State Department. She later apologized for the decision.

Later in the night, several speakers, including the former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, slammed the Republican presidential nominee for asking the Russians to find out the missing 33,000 emails of Clinton and released them.

A son of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Mr Biden appealed directly to the working class white voters drawn to Mr Trump’s populism, warning them against falling for false promises and exploitation of Americans’ anxieties. He did not give a broad challenge to Russian Federation to hack all of the US.

Comey said emails containing highly classified information were carelessly handled and the servers were “not even supported by full time security staff”.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump says he has no ties to Russian Federation after the country has been accused of recently hacking of internal Democratic National Committee emails.

I know what it’s like to have neither party fully represent my views or values.

Pressed repeatedly Wednesday on whether he has any investments there, an exasperated Trump said: “I have nothing to do with Russian Federation!” “Isn’t that insane? I’d tell you what I’d do?” To that idea, former mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner – who ran unsuccessfully in 2013 – said the only thing that would make him come out of retirement is if a Trump ran for mayor. So if Putin is trying to buy himself a pal by forcing Trump on America by exposing the Democrats’ massive corruption, well, that’s an iffy bet.

But such acts wouldn’t happen under his presidency, said Trump, as “I think they’ll respect me”.

Donald Trump bounced from one topic to the next during a news conference Wednesday morning with his trademark combativeness and propensity for courting controversy. “If it is Russian Federation and they are interfering in our elections, I can assure you both parties and the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences”. He said he met me and I knew.

“You take a look at what was said on those emails, it’s disgraceful”.

Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation Sunday as a result. Without the countering influence of the U.S., Putin has a good chance to achieve his dream of undoing the collapse of the Soviet Union, which he has called a “geopolitical catastrophe”, by reswallowing Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and other former Soviet republics. It is hardly a surprise then, that Moishe Mana, a top fundraiser for Clinton, has offered a $1 million gift to the charity of Trump’s choice if he releases them.


“It’s just a total deflection, this whole thing with Russia”, Trump said. Very personal. It was and, you know, he was expliciting making the case for his own legacy while he was doing that and I thought maybe one of the more powerful parts of the speech was the way he went after those Bernie or bust people in this very hall.

Mapping Donald Trump's Many Ties To Vladimir Putin's Russia