
Trump Edges Up on Clinton in Key Battleground States

In a head-to-head matchup, Trump leads Clinton by a margin of 42 percent to 39 percent in Florida, erasing the Democrat’s eight-point lead in June, according to the poll conducted by Quinnipiac University.


“It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues — that is what this campaign has been about, that is what democracy is about, ” said Sanders, who only three months ago declared that Clinton was “unqualified” to be president. Recent polling suggests that 85 percent of his supporters have said they plan to back Clinton. White voters tend to tilt more Republican than racial minorities, even among younger voters, and the effect of that difference is evident in 2012 exit polls. Thus, she allowed Sanders a significant say on the Democratic platform, with another Vermonter, Bill McKibben, participating on Sanders behalf to help address environmental issues.

“Donald Trump enters the Republican convention on a small roll in the three most important swing states in the country”, Brown said. It says his “insistence on exclusion and scapegoating would be bad for business and bad for the American economy”. The two men speak with one voice against President Barack Obama’s approach to the Islamic State and the need for tighter border security. Anyone paying attention knew she was lying about it from her March 2015 press conference all the way to Comey’s remarkable refutation of her talking points last week.

Hillary Clinton says the election will be far more enjoyable now that she and Bernie Sanders are on the same side.

Mike Pence says he would gladly campaign for Republican candidate Donald Trump in IN – or anywhere else.

Clinton’s campaign is holding the event at a high school in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Eleven percent of registered voters said they won’t vote for Clinton or Trump. He’s pushed for policy agreements on higher education, health care and a $15 an hour federal minimum wage.

Sanders also said Trump does not share those values.

Sawant, a member of Socialist Alternative who has been campaigning for Sanders for months, has called the primary “rigged”.

“I’m not a real fan of Hillary”, Melton says from her office in Atlanta. But he said Tuesday that he was pleased by the updates to the official party platform made over the weekend, which he called the most progressive in history. He said he would work to make sure the party follows through. He says, “The candidate who ran against special interests is endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests”.

Trump thanked his supporters on Twitter after the results of the poll were released, tweeting: “Thank you!”


As Sanders delivered the endorsement just two weeks shy of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Clinton offered a huge smile, embracing him as they raised their arms in unity. The permit includes a stretch of park near the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. The convention is July 25-28 at the Wells Fargo Center.

College-educated whites put hole in Trump coalition