
Trump endorses Paul Ryan after praising his Republican primary opponent

“Working hand in hand, we will grow our majority in the House and in the Senate”, Trump said. John McCain on Friday, capping off a wild week in which the two powerful politicians reignited their ongoing war of words.


In Wisconsin, Trump added, “She’s a monster”. He rarely admits that he’s wrong. In the Post interview, however, Trump questioned whether “weak people” like Ayotte “should be representing us”.

Donald Trump is drawing tens of thousands to his rallies.

“We need unity. We have to win this election”, Trump told a rally in Ryan’s state of Wisconsin, as he stressed a “big tent” Republican Party is the only way to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in November’s election.

This video includes clips from CNN, House Republicans, Right Side Broadcasting and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and images from Getty Images.

Donald Trump is making a rare admission he was wrong – in claiming he saw a video of a US cash payment going to Iran.

The endorsement followed plenty of uncertainty.

In addition to praising Mr Ryan, Donald Trump also threw his support behind John McCain, saying he held the Arizona senator “in the highest esteem. for his service to our country in uniform and in public office”.

Congrats to Ryan and McCain on obtaining the coveted Trump endorsement.

The New York businessman also announced that he is now backing New Hampshire Sen. “What I say to him privately and what I’ve said publicly is Hillary Clinton is the one to focus on, not another Republican, not a private citizen criticizing you”.

“I’m just not ready to do that at this point”.

Ryan has set himself up as the conscience of the GOP.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pauses as he speaks during a campaign rally, Friday, Aug. 5, 2016, in Des Moines, Iowa.

But what’s most notable here is that Ryan continued his criticism of Trump even after Trump threatened to withhold his endorsement.

“We just came out of our convention, and yeah, he’s had a pretty odd run since the convention. Lock her up!” from supporters, rehashed Clinton’s email issues. In his interview with Sykes, Ryan declined to call Nehlen by name, simply calling him “some people” or “this guy”. But despite that, he felt the pressure to back the most significant figure in the GOP establishment.

This endorsement comes after Trump caused more discord within the party earlier this week when he said he was “not quite there yet” when asked if he supported Ryan’s re-election.


The only well-known Wisconsin conservative to take the stage before Pence and Trump spoke on Friday was Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

Supporters o Donald Trump cheer during a campaign rally in Des Moines Iowa on Friday  supporters of Hillary Clinton in Grand Rapids Michigen. Paul Ryan and John McCain