
Trump entertains idea of not serving as president if he wins election

After a private meeting with Donald Trump on Thursday, it was announced that Senator Ted Cruz, Trump’s former chief rival for the GOP nomination, will speak at the Republican National Convention (RNC) later this month.


Cruz, who has withheld throwing his support behind Trump since dropping out of the race, said a possible endorsement was not discussed.

Sasse, the only Republican senator who consistently has said he would oppose Trump even if he was his party’s nominee, strode to the front of the room where Trump was about to meet with GOP senators and introduced himself.

By all objective accounts, Trump’s meetings on Capitol Hill were a complete debacle.

Flake spoke up at the meeting, criticizing the presumptive nominee’s rhetoric about the Latino community, to which Trump responded by telling Flake that he was going to have problems getting reelected, which Trump mistakenly thought was this year. “While he continues to have significant differences with Donald Trump, there was a good dialogue in the meeting, and that’s always welcomed”, Toomey spokesman Ted Kwong wrote in the statement. As reported by The Hill on July 9, Republican delegates are exploring ways to impact the convention. “It was an important opportunity for our members to get additional information about Mr. Trump’s campaign and ask questions about the issues that matter to Americans”.

Frazier added that Trump asked the Texas senator for “his counsel on future judicial nominations”. “Cruz said he would be happy to do so”. “That’s what I got out of today’s meeting”. Trump drew 41 of 54 Republican senators to the U.S. Senate meeting.

New York Rep. Peter King, a past critic of Trump, had previously called the wealthy businessman a “gamble” at the top of the Republican ticket in the November 8 general election. “He’s bold, he’s brash, and I think the support he’s gaining right now in the polls is because people are looking for someone willing to stand up to Washington”.

While speaking to House Republicans, Donald Trump managed to invent an article of the Constitution that doesn’t exist as his presidential campaign transformed from a sinking ship into a total dumpster fire.

Trump’s meeting with Republican senators was outright contentious at times, according to The Washington Post.


Two aides to Mr Trump, who insisted on anonymity, insisted Mr Trump never used the word “loser” and that he never threatened to harm Mr Flake’s electoral chances. “We are unified and ready to defeat Hillary Clinton”. A somewhat larger percentage of Democrats who preferred Sanders in the Democratic primary (85%) say they would vote for Clinton over Trump.

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump waves after meeting with House Republican members in Washington D.C