
Trump expects more violence and racial unrest in ‘divided America’

But the petition gained momentum after the Dallas shootings which left 5 polices officers dead. He says “the real danger to them 99 out of 100 times. are other black kids who are going to kill them”. Mckesson was released the following day and is being charged with simple obstruction of a highway of commerce.


Another woman in Rochester, New York was filmed getting arrested while talking to reporters about why she made a decision to participate in the protests.

It adds that the “devaluing of dark skin” stretches beyond the borders of the USA, citing the example of the thousands of refugees who have lost their lives while crossing the Mediterranean and highlighting the plight of those awaiting asylum in Ireland’s Direct Provision system. NBC reports 21 officers were injured in the process. “Not saying what they are doing over there is wrong though”.

Over the weekend, Giuliani, who served as mayor during the 9/11 attacks in NY, called the Black Lives Matter movement “inherently racist”. Asian lives matter. Hispanic lives matter. The Dallas police used a bomb delivered by a robot to kill the shooting suspect, Micah Xavier Johnson.

Numerous protesters said they are hopeful that by using their voices and standing together against violence, they will see change in community and police relations.

In tonight’s episode of The Bolt Report, the eponymous host condensed the overflowing racial tensions of the past week into eight minutes of fear and vitriol, and claimed the emergence of Black Lives Matter groups in Australia is proof that tension is heading here.

Comedian Trevor Noah, host of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” and a biracial native of South Africa, said people “shouldn’t have to choose between the police and the citizens that they are sworn to protect”. “You can have great regard for law enforcement and still want them to be held to higher standards”.

Denver Police Chief Robert White said last week that officers will continue to monitor protests in their standard, blue uniforms unless conditions demand riot gear.

He added: “We have to talk with the police”. Shortly after 4 p.m., the Dallas Police Department heightened its security after receiving an anonymous threat, a spokeswoman for the department said.

“It’s this either-or proposition”, said Ross, who is black. I want people to be tested.

Whack reported from Philadelphia.

Jesse J. Holland covers race and ethnicity.


Errin Haines Whack covers urban affairs for The Associated Press.

Obama to Offer Dallas 'Some Measure of Comfort': Spokesman