
Trump faces national security test with speeches, televised forum

It will offer a prelude of what to expect from them when national security issues come up in their three presidential debates.


The Republican nominee laid out several proposals in a campaign press release ahead of his speech about how to “update and upgrade” the US military.

He also called for the elimination of limits on defense spending in order to pay for ships, planes, submarines and a new sea-based missile defense system.

CNN has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment on the Morning News’ editorial, but did not immediately receive a response. “Turns out, Donald isn’t such a great negotiator after all”, Kaine will add of the NY businessman.

Clinton also referred to her commitment to fight climate change, global warming and sea level rise, issues, she said, in which Trump does not “believe”.

“You’re supposed to say, ‘yes!’ ” Clinton quipped, before talking about Labor Day and the next few weeks of the campaign.

Obama was made to disembark from Air Force One on a secondary set of stairs and reporters who traveled with him were hectored by Chinese officials for trying to watch him get off the aircraft.

While Trump and his advisers have argued that Clinton did not learn from the mistakes of the Iraq War, which she voted for as a senator, and drove the United States into another blunder by arguing in favor of military intervention in Libya, Trump supported both of those military interventions.

“We have 62 days – just 62 days – to make the case, and I can’t do it without you”, Mrs Clinton said in Tampa.

“I expected the right-wing voters to support Trump in bigger numbers, but we can see less than half did”, said Cohen.

But there’s a tight split among voters over which candidate would do the better job handling immigration, according to results from the same CNN/ORC Poll released Monday.

“There is a lot of straight ticket voting and they’re anxious that Trump could disrupt that in some way, that once you unlock people’s partisan identification at the top of the ballot maybe they start either looking a little more carefully down ballot or they don’t vote at all”, saidHenson. That is a standard practice for the major party nominees for president, as well as the sitting president. A lot of voters will be asking themselves: Is she tough enough? “Donald Trump is not qualified to serve as president and does not deserve your vote”. “Can he handle having his finger on the big red button?'” Yepsen said.

Though the editorial acknowledges Clinton’s “real shortcomings”-particularly her “poor judgment” regarding the use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state-Clinton “is the candidate more likely to keep our nation safe, to protect American ideals, and to work across the aisle to uphold the vital domestic institutions that rely on a competent, experienced president”.

Clinton, Trump war of words escalates as race narrows was posted in World of TheNews International – on September 07, 2016 and was last updated on September 07, 2016. Many national security experts from past Republican administrations have declared him unfit for the Oval Office.


The Democratic nominee said she is instead focusing on what she calls Trump’s un-American views on dictators, illegal immigrants and religious tolerance.

Clinton: He's a national security danger. Trump: No, she is