
Trump flaunts mutual fandom with Putin

When host Joe Scarborough noted that Putin is “a person that kills journalists, political opponents and invades countries”, Trump wouldn’t say a bad word about the strongman.


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But consider this feat: Cruz has managed to maintain a fragile truce with Trump while surging past him in the crucial first state. Cruz has the support of 40 percent of likely caucus goers, followed by Trump with 31 percent.

“When people call you brilliant, it’s always good, especially when the person heads up Russia”, Trump said.

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The Sindh government has repeatedly brought its concerns into the notice of federal government as well as the prime minister. According to the sources, the federal interior ministry is expected to issue a notification in this regard today.

Well, I mean, also is a person who kills journalists, political opponents and… “Obviously, that would be a concern, would it not?”

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The poll found that 28 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support Trump , while 24 percent favor Cruz . Of those who watched, 26 percent said Cruz won, while 24 percent said Trump won.

Trump also earlier this year praised Putin as a better leader than Obama: “I will tell you that, in terms of leadership, he’s getting an “A” and our president is not doing so well”, Trump said on Fox.

“I think what Putin sees in Trump is somebody who’s shooting from the hip”, she said.

Putin and Trump also appear to share a similar global outlook, both viewing the world as largely a zero-sum game.

Censoring the Internet, killing innocent families of terrorists, supporting Syria’s bloody dictator-the two men have a lot of positions in common. “You asked me a different question, so that’s fine”.

A bit later, asked if he would condemn the killing of journalists, Trump replied, “Oh sure”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin may soon be joining Donald Trump on the Republican presidential ticket in the culmination of a highly-publicized exchange of mutual respect.

Over the course of three hours, Putin fielded dozens of questions from mostly domestic journalists on topics ranging from oil and power to murder and corruption. Trump said, despite USA wariness of Russia’s presence in Syria, which is mainly aimed at bolstering the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, who the Obama administration has called for to leave.

Trump on Friday argued that the USA should “do a little following” in Ukraine – where the US has sought to back up Kiev in the face of Moscow’s aggression – calling instead for European allies like Germany to take up a leadership role. “He says that he wants to move to another level relations, a deeper level of relations with Russia”, Putin said. “I think other countries have to get involved with that, Joe”, he said.

President Putin’s interaction with media was watched by millions of people across the world.


During the news conference, Putin denied once again that regular Russian forces were in Ukraine, where pro-Moscow rebels began clashes with the Western-backed government in 2014.
