
Trump gains ground in Iowa

On Saturday, Trump started the day in Sioux Center in northwest Iowa.


That’s because 20 percent of Iowa Republican caucus-goers are so negative on Trump they say they would “refuse” to vote for him over the Democrat in November, while fewer say the same of Cruz (11 percent).

He holds a 40.6 percent share in a Reuters-Ipsos tracking poll that was released Friday.

The two Republican presidential candidates sitting atop the polls in Iowa campaigned here Saturday, expressing confidence their supporters will turn out on Caucus night – but each conveyed that message in different terms. “I can say I have no intention of shooting anybody in this campaign”, Cruz said.

“He’s a sad sack, and he cries”, Trump told a crowd at Dordt College, a Christian school in the heart of rural evangelical northwest Iowa.

Trump has been a hard target for criticism from his rivals because not all of his supporters are conservatives and many are most interested in his projection of strength, not where he stands on a particular issue.

“Over the course of his time on Twitter, including in some cases after he announced his presidential candidacy, Trump has tweeted or retweeted profanity on his account more than 100 times”, reports the Washington Post.

“Whenever a candidate talks about the other guy’s positions, it turns me off completely”, Petullo said. “We have an opportunity once again to make America great again”.

Reached by CNN immediately after the event, Trump declined to clarify the statement. Her endorsement came just as the Fox poll was starting interviews in the Hawkeye State.

Cruz was also joined prior to Glenn Beck’s endorsement by Bob Vander Plaats, President and CEO of The FAMiLY Leader as well as Congressman Steve King (R-IA) both of whom endorsed Cruz’s campaign. “He could run for the prime minister of Canada, and I wouldn’t even complain, because he was born in Canada”, Trump said.

A source said part of Mr. Bloomberg’s concern was the problem that Mrs. Clinton is having in defeating Bernie Sanders.

Beck took umbrage with that pronouncement while speaking with reporters after the rally in Ankeny, saying it shows how Trump harbors “hubris beyond imagination”. He has credited the endorsement from Mrs. Palin, a former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, with helping him win his Texas senate seat in 2010. McCain spent 5-1/2 years as a prisoner of war.


Unlike Iowa, there has been little movement in the New Hampshire Republican race. Unlike Cruz, Trump supports a special force to round up those here illegally and send them back, but he had said that the “good ones” will be welcomed back to the US through legal channels. “It is not. It is a sign of deep insecurity and weakness”, Bush said.

Donald Trump-who created one of the most memorable moments of the 2016 campaign so far by sharing rival Lindsey Graham's cell phone number on national television-suggested