
Trump goes after Cruz on Ethanol in Iowa

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has finally unleashed a verbal assault on the one rival he has so far spared.


Do you support Ted Cruz?

Trump also asked how Cruz could win Iowa if he doesn’t support ethanol. “Oil pays him a lot of money and he’s got to be for it, right?” While other candidates in this race have have gone out of their way to throw rocks at him, to insult him, I have consistently declined to do so and I have no intention of changing that now. Donald Trump heads to the Hawkeye state for a campaign rally on Friday night, as he continues to court Iowa supporters in one of the key primary states.

Trump reflected on the the major impact ethanol has had on Iowa, including “tremendous numbers of jobs”.

“He’s doing well, I’m doing well”, Trump said before drawing an important distinction to the few-thousand-person crowd: “There’s not a contest between the two of us”. Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and Cuban father. “Who understands the threats we face?” “Now, that’s a question of strength, but that’s also a question of judgment and I think that is a challenging question for both of them”, Cruz said. It’s true. Not a lot come out.

“I’m mostly supporting him”, Norby said.

Noticeably absent from Trump’s Friday remarks: promises to temporarily ban Muslims from the United States, although he was asked at one point about Syrian refugees coming into the country by way of the Southern border. Trump was responding to a New York Times report that said Cruz questioned Trump’s judgment in a closed-door meeting.

“Looks like [Cruz] is getting ready to attack”.

“I am leading by so much he must”, the Republican front-runner predicted. “Will be easy!” Trump wrote in a tweet.

“.@tedcruz should not make statements behind closed doors to his bosses, he should bring them out into the open – more fun that way!”

Most supporters said they agree with Trump’s proposal. “Sorry to disappoint – @realDonaldTrump is terrific”.

For five months, Cruz has refused to criticize Trump even as the rest of the Republican field turned on him for a series of incendiary comments. That strategy has been tested as Cruz’s candidacy gains traction, especially in Iowa, where a survey released Tuesday found Cruz beating Trump for the first time.

Cruz’s surge is most visible in Iowa, but in New Hampshire, it’s who has, according to a new poll, risen to second place.

Trump responded that he’d “build a wall” and even guessed that someday they would name it the Trump Wall. What is Monmouth? Explain it. I don’t like Monmouth.


“But I’m with you”, he added. “I only like polls that treat me well”. Compared with some of Trump’s typical barrages against his opponents, which often include long-winded and humorous asides, his comments about Cruz on Friday were restrained and concrete. “Ted Cruz, a man of principle we can all count on to give his all to the cause of marriage and religious freedom”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a town hall style campaign rally at the Varied Industries Building at Iowa State Fair Grounds