
Trump has 81 percent of delegates needed to win nomination

That will be followed by a delegation meeting, which will include electing members to convention committees.


Winbush, a backer of Gov. John Kasich in his bid for the presidency, told the group it’s important to unify behind the Republican nominee, whoever that might end up being – even if it’s Donald Trump, a man she has repeatedly lambasted on her radio show in Youngstown.

New Day for America says the spot is part of “a multi-state digital delegate-targeting strategy” ahead of an anticipated contested convention.

Kasich’s entire delegate slate will go to the convention because he won the March 15 winner-take-all OH primary, he remains a distant third to Trump and Texas Sen. “I would think that if there are any rule amendments, they’ll be much more technical in nature”. Ted Cruz with only 153 overall. Trump has scoffed at Kasich’s campaign for winning only his home-state primary and urged that he drop out.

Two long-time Kasich supporters, Don Thibaut and Jo Ann Davidson, were named to represent OH on the convention rules committee, which plays a potentially pivotal role.

“We have, in my opinion, the cleanest, the best system of the delegates getting chosen – the candidates choose their delegates”, Davidson said.

He said that “scaring them to the point that they are afraid that their families are going to be torn apart and disrupted” only hurts the party in a national election.


Jim Simon and Sandra Barber to the Permanent Organization Committee.

Kasich PAC's web ads target delegates with vision of victory