
Trump has a record of siding with Putin on key issues

Breaking down the outcome of Trump or Democratic nominee Hillary Trump winning the election, Noah said, “With Hillary Clinton, worst-case scenario, you have a bad president for four years”, which, he added, has happened before and America has survived.


“We’ll be looking at that”.

“We are actively working on giving [localities] their old names in the Russian version of Google Maps”, the spokesman told Ukrainian financial daily RBK.

Together, her public support for anti-Putin protesters, and the American sanctions on Russian officials over the persecution and death of Sergei Magnitsky, a whistleblower, struck directly at Putin’s greatest vulnerability – his legitimacy, as Viktor Kremenyuk, deputy director of the Institute for US and Canadian Studies in Moscow, said at the time. Even Belarus, Russia’s closest ally and neighbor, did not recognize the annexation.

Trump denied he had business interests in Russia – though it is known that he earned millions from staging his Miss Universe pageant there – and was vague about any possible involvement Russian oligarchs might have in Trump-related projects. She said 30,000 more “personal” emails were deleted from the server. Rudy Giuliani, fresh off of scaring small children, the emotionally fragile and pets with his screaming diatribe at last week’s Republican convention, implausibly claimed that Trump meant that if Russian hackers already have those 30,000 emails, they should turn them over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“What the motives were in terms of the leaks, all that, I can’t say directly”, Obama said. Clinton really does need to say something to beat Trump in the excitement/attention-getting game. They call the polls from one outfit unreliable when they show Trump ahead one day, and then tout the same outfit’s poll the next day when it shows Clinton ahead. Had a Democrat suggested Russian hackers break into the American government’s computer networks to track down, say, the secret list of members of Dick Cheney’s energy task force, these same Republicans would birth enough cows to make the GOP the world’s number-one producer of dairy products and cow shit.

“We can not imagine them sitting in the pub, drinking beer, or vodka, or whiskey or whatever”, he said of Clinton and Putin.

“It is so absurd it borders on total stupidity”, he said. He claimed he had inspired North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to begin focusing on terrorism; the alliance was heading in that direction long before Trump opened his mouth.

In an interview with The New York Times last week, Trump said he would decide whether to protect the Baltic states against Russian aggression based on whether those countries “have fulfilled their obligations to us”. Western nations including the United States insist that as part of a political transition Assad should step aside. The future of the Syrian president has been a major stumbling block in Syria talks between Moscow and Washington, with Russian Federation insisting that Assad can only be removed through an election.

Vladimir Vasilyev of the government-affiliated Institute for USA and Canadian Studies told the RIA Novosti news agency that there was no way to prove who had hacked the DNC.

Trump, however, saluted the British vote, saying “they took back their country, it’s a great thing”. “Her temperament is weak and her opponents are strong”.


If the Clinton campaign were so extensively interwoven with Putin’s Russian Federation, it’s a safe bet that Trump would be demanding that Clinton release her tax returns to prove that she’s not beholden to Putin – just as he demanded that Obama release his birth certificate.

Democratic donors allies offer reward for Trump tax returns