
Trump heads to the border

In Trump’s speech Tuesday, he called Graham an “idiot”, after Graham called him a “jackass” in an interview.


While the documents don’t prove or disprove Trump’s top-line estimates, even a conservative reading of his annual income – well over $250 million US – shows he is more than equipped to personally finance a high-dollar presidential bid.

His characterization of illegal immigrants from Mexico as “criminals” and “rapists” prompted beauty pageants and television networks to cut ties with him.

The form also gives a sense of the potential financial toll of Trump’s controversial comments on immigration.

Graham said he and others might be kept out of the August 6 faceoff, sponsored by Fox, “for no good reason”. McCain said Donald Trump owed American war veterans – not John McCain – an apology.

The video provided a moment of levity in what has been a heated war of words between Graham and Trump.

“Give it a shot”, Trump encouraged. You only want to talk about negative. The mailbox was full. He said later he’d be changing his number.

“Let no one be mistaken”, Perry said, “Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded”.

“I don’t think the way he has behaved over the past few weeks is either dignified or worthy of the office he seeks”, U.S. Sen.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s visit to the U.S.-Mexico border promises new challenges for the GOP’s years-in-the-making push to attract Hispanic voters.

“I took a lot of heat for saying what I did but everyone backed off because they know I’m right”, Donald Trump said. “The problem with Mr. Trump’s language is that it’s divisive, it’s ugly, it’s mean-spirited”, Bush told a gathering of Republican women in Spartanburg. “He’s trying to inspire fear and anger in people, as we just heard from the caller”. “The sad truth is if you look at many of their policies, it can be hard to tell the difference”. He predicted the GOP campaign will “get beyond the novelty of a reality TV star”. The latest Trump flare-up overshadowed Tuesday’s campaign launch by Ohio Govenor John Kasich.

Reid’s comments followed similar criticism from other Democrats, including presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. He said he’s had business success even with countries he’s criticized, such as China, and negativity doesn’t affect him.

“I am leading across the board, and then you hit me with a poll that I’ve never seen this before”, Trump said.

After addressing the crowd, Trump was to head back to town to meet with staff members of local and federal law enforcement agencies.

“That’s not why I want a rise in polls”, the senator said, referring to the chew-out that led Trump to publicize Graham’s personal cell phone number to the world.


The storm over Trump is proving to be fodder for Democrats.

REUTERS  Rick Wilking