
Trump hurls crude insults at Hillary

Hillary Clinton might have overreached a bit Saturday in saying ISIS had featured Donald Trump in recruitment videos, but it is true that ISIS has invoked Trump’s comments in social media recruitment?


China to extend onshore yuan trading hours next year in major reform
It also said it would permit more foreign investors to trade in the mainland yuan market now dominated by Chinese banks. The yuan’s strong correlation with the dollar has eroded recently, argues Ju Wang, a senior FX strategist at HSBC.

“We need a president with tremendous intelligence, smarts, cunning, strength and stamina”, he said referring to a few second delay in Clinton’s appearance on the Democratic presidential debate stage yesterday.

Hillary Clinton responds to Trump’s ‘schlong’ comment: ‘Nothing really surprises me anymore’
His comment gives Clinton a pass on the controversial issue from her chief primary opponent. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

She said in the debate that ISIS is using video of Trump to recruit new members.

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Trump called in his complaint to the Sunday shows, telling Meet the Press’ Chuck Todd that “she lies like insane about everything”. This is a result, he said, of “flip-flopping” by Sanders and Clinton. She lies like insane about everything, whether it’s strips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she’s a liar and everybody knows that.

“You hear it at the Thanksgiving table all the time”, said Charles Sennott, WGBH News Analyst, in an interview with Boston Public Radio “I get the emotional reaction to something as frightening as ISIS, is to say, let’s go all out”.

Clinton also blamed Trump for giving the Islamic State (ISIS) a recruiting tool when he called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration.

Sanders said he had lost an election in Vermont for a gun-control stance and Clinton said she had backed gun-control measures.

Trump laid into a number of his perceived enemies from the media to his rivals in a speech to supporters in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Monday night.

“If the United States does not lead, there is not another leader – there is a vacuum”, she said. “So, for the federal government to be having any kind of, you know, blanket rules that they’re going to try to impose, I think doesn’t make sense”.

“This is a very, very big deal, and I’m very grateful”, Bill Clinton added.

She pledged that as president, she wouldn’t raise taxes on families making $250,000 or less per year.

“As far as the reporters are concerned, obviously, I don’t want that to happen”, Trump said.

Jeb Bush said the other night that Trump can’t insult his way to the White House.

Clinton, Sanders and a third candidate, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, also debated the best way to defeat Islamic State militants and prevent “lone wolf” attacks like the one carried out by a radicalized Muslim couple who killed 14 people in a December 2 shooting spree in California.

“We’re going to cover as much ground in New Hampshire as we possibly can, see as many people, thank everyone who’s going to turn out and vote for me to try to get some more to join them”, the candidate said.

“You have said that Bill Clinton is a great host and loves giving tours but may opt out of picking flower arrangements if you’re elected”, Raddatz began.


“That is a soundbyte given to him”, Trump said. They had to start the debate without her. Phase two. Why?

Hillary Clinton