
Trump ignites firestorm with remarks on gun rights, Clinton

First, he falsely claimed that Clinton, his Democratic opponent, wants to “essentially abolish the Second Amendment”. He has flattered Russian President Vladimir Putin and revealed an ignorance of the basic structure of the US nuclear arsenal.


In an interview, Flake said he still hopes Trump will change enough that the Republican senator from Arizona will be able to vote for the candidate in the November 8 election.

The Secret Service is investigating those remarks, made last month by Al Baldasaro, a New Hampshire state lawmaker and an adviser to Trump on veterans’ issues.

Mr Seddique Mateen, an immigrant from Afghanistan, was caught on camera seated in the audience behind Mrs Clinton during her campaign appearance at an open rally some 37km south of Orlando. “A person seeking to be president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way”.

Was Trump suggesting gun owners take matters into their own hands if Clinton wins the White House?

The former mayor of NY was referencing backlash following Trump’s afternoon campaign rally in Wilmington, North Carolina where the Clinton campaign portrayed Trump as suggesting gun owners should stop Clinton using violence. Later on Tuesday night, Trump accused the media of trying to “distract” from what he called “Clinton’s [anti-2nd Amendment] stance”. “Unstable people with powerful guns and an unhinged hatred for Hillary are listening to you, @realDonaldTrump“.

Asked for whom she will vote, Collins said she is likely to write in a name for presudent, though she did not mention a specific name. “You know why? Because you’re Americans”.

Priorities USA, a super PAC supporting Clinton, said Trump had “suggested that someone shoot Hillary Clinton”.

Trump could not possibly have been benignly referencing some sort of last ditch negative ad blitz against Democratic senators after the election (when they are invulnerable).

“For a candidate for the office of president to make a remark like Trump made today is simply unthinkable”, said former U.S. Sen. Interviewed by Fox News’ Sean Hannity, he said everyone in his audience knew he was referring to the power of voters and “there can be no other interpretation”.

Giuliani, who was also with Trump at his rally in Wilmington, interpreted Trump as telling supporters “You have the power to vote against her”. Ms Clinton supports some new restrictions on gun ownership, but has not advocated overturning the amendment. She wants to leave you unprotected in your home. “This is a tremendous political movement”.

Mr. Trump has expressed skepticism about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, questioning whether the US should come to the defence of its member countries. At long last, Donald Trump has left the Republican Party few options but to act decisively and get this political train wreck off the tracks before something bad happens. “You are responsible for what people hear”. He came under fire from within his party for belatedly endorsing fellow Republicans in re-election races and a prolonged clash with the parents of fallen Muslim American Army captain Humayun Khan.

Other Democrats piled on, with one Democratic senator equating Trump’s remarks with “assassination threat” against Clinton. “What he meant was we can stop Hillary Clinton from being elected”, he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. It also reinforced the concern, voiced by many anxious Republicans, that he can not stay disciplined and avoid inflammatory remarks that imperil not only his White House prospects but the re-election chances of many GOP lawmakers.

“Don’t treat this as a political misstep. It’s an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a national tragedy and crisis”, Murphy said.

And this time he was a little more careful with his words.


But he may have bigger problems than TV talking heads, as his comments seemed to have also triggered a chilling response from the U.S. Secret Service.

Hillary Clinton to scoop up campaign cash in Greenwich