
Trump in Gaffney, Bush in Rock Hill on Thursday

That would be Sen. Previously Haley had indicated only that she would not endorse Donald Trump, the NY real estate tycoon who is now sitting atop the polls.


Cruz also took a shot on Marco Rubio by denying allegations by the Florida senator about a fake Facebook page involving Representative Trey Gowdy.

The town hall unfolded a day after the USA government won a key court ruling that would require Apple to unlock one of the San Bernardino shooters’ iPhones – a decision that alarmed both the company and advocates of civil liberties.

Carson should have done better with this format, without being interrupted or talked-over by his rivals.

On how the social safety net used to work: “If someone got killed by a bear, everyone took care of their family”. Fact: The government got involved in social welfare programs because the Great Depression left millions of people without a job or even food.

Things are drastically different from just a few weeks ago. “While his linguistic choices turn off a majority of voters, he speaks for the people who want radical change in Washington”. We’re exhausted of Congress. We made our point’.

Policywise, Rubio’s message was a muddle.

He questioned how Mr. Rubio, who presents himself as a foreign policy expert, could question Mr. Bush’s foreign policy experience.

However, he did seem honest when he mentioned being taunted as a child for being the son of Cuban immigrants.

“I said he’s been lying because if you say something that isn’t true and you say it over and over again and you know that it’s not true, there’s no other word for it”, said Rubio.

Then on February 13, he added: “Ted Cruz is a cheater!” The nationalization of the race after Saturday’s primary in SC will, in strategists’ view, continue the trend, as it has in recent contests.

And he addressed a question from the audience about another allegation that Trump has thrown his way: that Cruz may not be eligible to be President of the United States because there is a question over whether he’s a “natural-born citizen”, as required by the Constitution. The Cruz camp has argued that the mailers were simply an advertisement, but Trump has said that their official appearance was misleading. “And that may have to wait until the next election, I don’t know, but we’ll see”. It is telling that, for all his proclaimed devotion to the Constitution, Cruz would prefer that Obama not exercise his sworn constitutional duty.

Rubio slammed Cruz earlier in the day for “disturbing” behavior on the campaign trail, saying that his Senate colleague has mischaracterized his record. He knew how he felt about Trump’s candidacy but didn’t come clean with the voters.

Buoyed by the evangelical support that helped power his victory in the Iowa caucuses, Cruz hit SC confident that his stances against abortion and Planned Parenthood, and his belief that only persecuted Christian Syrian refugees, not Muslims, should be allowed to resettle in the USA, would help him win over the state’s religious voters.


A retired military serviceman capped the questioning by asking Bush: “I like your brother (George)”.

South Carolina Gov. Haley endorsing Rubio's presidential bid