
Trump increases his lead in Republican race for White House

Donald Trump heads in with more support than ever: 41% nationally among likely republican voters according to a new Monmouth University poll and he leads the next candidate, Senator Ted Cruz by 27 points. He’s targeting Hillary Clinton.


Cruz has not said whether the closed-door comments were a swipe at his two rivals, though Trump certainly took it that way. But signs of a split have emerged in recent days, with Cruz appearing to question Trump’s judgment at a private fundraiser, according to audio obtained by The New York Times, and Trump calling Cruz “a little bit of a maniac.”

Here’s everything you need to know ahead of tonight’s Republican Presidential Primary Debate, including the start time, candidates, podium placement, and information on how to watch live stream online and via CNN’s free mobile apps.

“I am giving them a chance for them to make total fools of themselves in front of millions of people”, Trump said, adding that he was expecting to be attacked.

In true Trump fashion, the doctor declared “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.

His next closest competitors for the GOP nomination are Cruz, with 16.1%, Rubio, with 12.6%, and Ben Carson, with 12%.

The candidate that’s seen the biggest drops in the polls has been Trump, who, of course, had more support to lose.

Look for Rubio in particular to go after him on immigration and national security, particularly over Cruz’s support of guest-worker visas and and curbing domestic surveillance. “I sure hope we’re gonna get a lot of questions about foreign affairs and national defense”.

Trump, Cruz and seven other GOP hopefuls will take the stage Tuesday night in Las Vegas, for the fifth Republican debate of the primary season.

Also onstage during the prime-time debate, but with less apparent opportunity to climb, will be Sen.

The Iowa caucus is still six weeks away, and no actual votes have been cast, so nothing is set in stone. Trump still sits atop the GOP field, displaying a talent for connecting with voters frustrated with Washington and on edge about the threat of terrorism.

Both narrowly met the polling threshold for this debate, and neither has established a strong base of support in the first two voting states. Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina, a former CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

Fifty per cent of Iowan Republican Caucus participants say that what Trump has been saying needed to be said and that he should continue.

What he has to gain: A strong moment from the New Jersey Governor tonight could rocket him into contention against Donald Trump in New Hampshire, where Christie has already been raking in major endorsements over the past several weeks. And they’re all coming after me.

An undercard debate featuring four lower-polling candidates – Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki and Rick Santorum – will unfold before the main event.


Unlike the other Republicans in the 2016 White House race, the US senator from Texas has embraced Trump and avoided public criticism of the popular candidate.

National Security, Terrorism Dominate Opening Remarks at Debate