
Trump Insanely Blames Hillary Clinton for Middle East Wars

PBS said its viewership for Clinton’s speech was 3.91 million people, and 2.75 million the week earlier for Trump.


She also discussed her upbringing, citing her grandfather’s influence from his time working in Scranton.

But her real audience was the millions of voters watching at home, many of whom may welcome her experience, but question her character.

“I think the Bernie Sanders influence has been monumental, ” she said, adding that it had a definitive impact on the party platform coming out of the convention.

And while Gallup did report a change in opinion for those who watched the convention, it wasn’t what you would call a bounce.

Donald Trump released a statement saying: “Hillary Clinton’s speech was an insulting collection of clichés and recycled rhetoric”.

Citing the anti-establishment nature of the Sanders and Trump campaigns, one protester pointed out that, “for some people, Bernie is the person they stuck with, but there are some anti-establishment things they want, and they’ll go with Trump”. Her radical amnesty plan will take jobs, resources and benefits from the most vulnerable citizens of the United States and give them to the citizens of other countries.

She said people wanted “steady leadership”, vowing to stand by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies against any Russian threats.

The president arrived to chants of “yes, we can” before he talked about family, faith in America and feeling “the Bern”.

As Clinton continued about Trump, the crowd booed.

In her address, Clinton outlined “how we’re going to empower Americans to live better lives”. In contrast, Mr. Trump promised to bring “law and order” to the US with a fiery message of unfairness in America that has resonated with many white, working class voters. “Especially in places that for too long have been left out and left behind”, Clinton said.


That simple fact was not lost on American women across the country. She also bridged the connection between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Hillary, in her speech, had attacked Trump’s character and leadership style at various occasions.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz