
Trump insists Pence was ‘my first choice from the start’

Overturning the decision was a key plank in the campaign of primary rival Bernie Sanders, who refused corporate donations.


Pence touted Trump’s pledges to repeal Obamacare, revive the coal industry and toughen the nation’s immigration policy.

Trump officially introduced Pence as his running mate at a low-key rally on Saturday in NY.

Pence is scheduled to appear at a rally in IN later Saturday. He even took time to mention that a hotel he’s building in Washington, ahead of schedule (which isn’t true).

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has officially accepted Donald Trump’s offer to join him on the Republican presidential ticket.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign wasted no time calling him the “most extreme pick in a generation”.

The real estate mogul compared the IN governor, who he said is a “man of honor”, to presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who Trump labeled a “corrupt person”.

Brandishing his running mate’s job-creating credentials, Trump ticked through a list of statistics he said showed how Pence had pulled IN out of economic recessions: an unemployment rate that fell to less than 5 percent on his watch, an uptick IN the labor force and a decrease IN IN residents on unemployment insurance. “Ted – then he went back to Trump”, the presumptive Republican nominee recalled.

Earlier this week in Indiana, Pence refused to tell reporters whether he supports Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the southern border with Mexico, saying only that he believes in the need for strong border security.

Pence is also a longtime champion of the free-trade agreements that Trump denounces as a threat to American jobs.

He brags that they’ve been “crushed”.

Trump offered the vice presidential spot to Pence Thursday, and the governor boarded a plane for NY in anticipation of a Friday announcement, according to a Republican with knowledge of the process. “My first choice from start!” Bopp said that could mean Pence “has to make a decision without an official announcement”.

Pence was up for re-election, and state law prohibits candidates from being on ballots in two contests.

“I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate”, Trump tweeted on Friday. Trump announced on Twitter there would be a press conference on Saturday. Granted, it’s normal for a presidential nominee to give those assurances, but it’s not a “normal” for Trump. “There is going to be respect again for law and order”.

There appeared to be as many Trump supporters as journalists in attendance, as the businessman’s backers filled five rows of seats in a Hilton ballroom that was not expanded to its full size.

Other users said the shape of the “T” and “P” letters were suggestive, while some tweets mocked Mr Trump’s style of tweets with exclamation marks. “Always divisive. Not so decisive”. Trump’s announcement came about an hour before that deadline.

Pence is also seen as having a cool-headed tone and steady hand that could counter the impulsive, often brash Trump, and his social conservatism could allay fears about Trump’s views on issues such as abortion. He was picked after Trump’s days-long and unusually public deliberation process. While in Congress, he spoke locally and took part in local events. So divided, in fact, that it seemed possible that Trump might be stuck with a scandal-ridden, unpopular retread (such as Newt Gingrich or Chris Christie) or some obscure figure without any obvious presidential credentials.

The delegates from Wyoming, the District of Columbia and Washington state might want to bring binoculars. Trump has never held political office.

Donald Trump has offered Mike Pence the vice presidential spot on his Republican ticket, and Trump aides have told the IN governor the formal announcement event could be made on Saturday.


Lingering over the event were reports that Trump had wavered on his pick of Pence as late as Thursday evening.

With Pence a favorite, Trump postpones naming running mate