
Trump is unfit to serve as president: Obama

The toast to the presidential couple came with a quip about the conspiracy theories in the USA that claim President Obama was actually born in Kenya.


“I think the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as President”.

President Obama told reporters today that he never felt 2008 challenger Sen.

Speaking from the White house, the President said Trump is “unfit” to be his successor.

There’s the Gold Star family he has attacked, cruelly belittling the Muslim parents of an American soldier, Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed while protecting his soldiers in Iraq.

“Maybe somebody’s going to buy it for a little while until they lose all that money, but they’ll buy it for a little while and they’ll keep it as – you know some rich guys going to buy it”, he said.

Obama, who intentionally doesn’t mention Trump by name, further cemented his belief of Trump by noting (with a slight grin) the many Republicans who also don’t think Trump is qualified.

“What does this say about your party that this is your standard-bearer?” said Obama, who last week officially endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign. And that’s not just my opinion; that is the opinion of many prominent Republicans.

“Apologize for the timeline”, Pierson said. Where do we draw the line? “It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagements that probably cost his life”.

Note: Below is the entire 1-hour press conference with President Obama and Prime Minister Lee.

CNN later clarified the freakish and possibly one of the most historically inaccurate statements to come out of Trump campaign, by posting a clip of Blitzer fact-checking Pierson’s statement.

DONALD TRUMP: I always wanted to get the Purple Heart.

But his spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson, didn’t have a much easier day than her boss.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Later, Trump did answer the president in a statement, charging he and his former secretary of state betrayed American security and American workers.

“To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidacy that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division”, she wrote on Facebook. Trump might be exaggerating about how bad Obama has been, but he’ll still find many willing supporters who nod on in agreement at his response.

An unexpected moment that occurred just as Trump was making his own pitch. “We need change now”, Trump said.

It’s hard not to agree with Trump; after all, if he was such a no-hoper, why would Obama bother to speak out in the first place? And he wasn’t accusing them or saying anything.

Khizr Khan later appeared in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper during which he blasted Pierson and the Trump campaign. Clinton will be in Colorado.


The president said he does not see Trump as an accurate representation of a majority of the Republican Party, and that the party needs to discontinue validating his positions. He also said he won’t support Republican Senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte for new terms.

Strategist's bolt from GOP a sign of Trump's impact on party