
Trump lags behind Clinton in new Reuters poll

Offering consolation, expressing regret, cutting ties with a controversial aide.Donald Trump’s campaign turnaround plan on Friday featured the unorthodox candidate acting much like a conventional politician struggling to revive a presidential bid on the ropes.


While there are enough opportunities for Democrats that New Hampshire is not considered a must-win state, Democrats see it as rightfully theirs because they have won every gubernatorial election since 1996, a Senate seat in 2008 and 2014 and every presidential election since 1992, with the exception of the 2000 election. I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president.

Trump also made a last-minute scheduling change, scrapping a planned event in NY in order to travel with his running mate Mike Pence to tour the flood damage in Louisiana on Friday morning.

And the initial sidelining of campaign chairman Paul Manafort foreshadowed Friday’s news: The man brought in to impose some discipline on the candidate and his campaign would no longer be a part of it.

Manafort’s resignation comes a day after The Associated Press reported that confidential emails from Manafort’s firm contradicted his claims that he had never lobbied on behalf of Ukrainian political figures in the U.S. Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents as required under federal law.

Whether the Trump campaign can get its wheels permanently back on track still remains unclear. Trump’s son Eric, meanwhile, told Fox News that Manafort “was wonderful”, but his father didn’t want to be “distracted by whatever things Paul was dealing with”. His father didn’t want to be “distracted by whatever things Paul was dealing with”, the younger Trump told Fox News.

After more than a year of refusing to budge as he moved from one firestorm to the next, the Republican nominee surprised everyone Thursday night by declaring that he lives with some “regret”.

Donald Trump’s controversies are starting to take a toll on even his most ardent supporters in Georgia.

He’s also rolling out a first round of television ads while sticking to those promises of more targeted messaging, supplemented by regularly scheduled policy addresses, in the weeks to come.

But it is fair to complain that far more ink is spent blasting Trump than Clinton.

Conway said she didn’t want Trump to lose his “authenticity”. Clinton supporters are more than twice as likely as Trump backers to view the condition of the environment as a very big problem for the country (43% vs 16%). “The very best way this team can help is to make sure Louisianans have the resources they need”. She has greater backing from women, from non-whites and minorities, from religiously non-affiliated voters.

The GOP presidential candidate and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, received a warm welcome in the solidly red state. Trump consoled residents – even hugging two – as several Louisianans noted they have felt left out of the national spotlight.

In East Baton Rouge Parish, residents emerged from their waterlogged homes to wave at Trump’s motorcade, some with gloved hands dirty from their house-gutting work.

“Better the devil you know than the Lord of the Flies on his own 757”.

While it remains too early to tell, the first moves under the new regime have largely shown an investment in conventional campaigning. The Los Angeles Times daily tracking poll has Clinton leading Trump by just two points – 45% to 43%.

Later Friday, Trump fired up a rally in Dimondale, Michigan – but for the fourth time this week spoke with the aid of the telepromoters he used to revile. “There is a group of voters who are largely comfortable with the demographic shifts taking place in this country, and they tend to vote Democratic; fundamentally they are are more inclined to vote for Clinton and thus be turned off by the message Trump is sending”.

“Everyone talks about, ‘Oh, you’ve got to pivot, ‘ ” Trump said in an interview with WKBT-TV in La Crosse, Wis., on Tuesday, after he had made the decision to change up his staff, but before it was announced.

White voters are shrinking as a share of the electorate, from 88 percent in 1980 to 72 percent by 2012.


Trump didn’t specify what “wrong things” he regretted saying, but there are many possibilities. “I have done that”, the GOP nominee said.

Ryan Lochte's just as confused as we are about this whole thing