
Trump Leads Clinton in Texas by Six Percentage Points

Walker also said he would be attending a rally for Donald Trump in the state Tuesday night, but said he’s told the Republican nominee and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, that they needed to focus on Clinton if they want to win the state.


In a speech in the swing state of Ohio, Trump also said that in implementing his call for a temporary ban on Muslims immigrating to the country, he would institute “extreme vetting” and develop a new screening test to try to catch people who intend to do harm to the United States. The Clinton campaign and Democratic party together raised about $90 million in the same month.

“Jobs, safety, opportunity, fair and equal representation: We reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton which panders to, and talks down to, communities of color and sees them only as votes – that’s all they care about – not as individual human beings worthy of a better future”. “They’ve taken African-Americans for granted”. Following the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson earned 94 percent of the African-American vote.

Public Policy Polling, a firm that does polling largely for Democrats, found that Trump beats Clinton by 6 points in Texas, where Mitt Romney beat President Barack Obama by 16 points in 2012.

Trump has stoked tensions during his campaign. White voters favor Trump by a 51-to-37 percent margin while non-white voters – roughly one-third of Florida’s electorate – favor Clinton by a 69-to-19 margin.

Intertwined with his appeal to black voters was his rebuke of a “rigged” political system, accusing Democrats of tilting the scales for Clinton and praising himself for emerging as the GOP nominee despite political and monetary opposition.

“Our job is to not make life more comfortable for the rioter or the robber or the looter”, said Trump while addressing supporters in West Bend, Wis., a city where the black population hovers around 1%, according to recent census data.

“It’s time to stop making the special interests rich”.

Trump has previously called for an unprecedented temporary ban on Muslims entering the USA, and said in his OH speech that he would overhaul the nation’s screening process and block those who sympathize with extremist groups or fail to embrace American values.

Since Trump launched his campaign past year, his inflammatory rhetoric about Mexicans – calling them “rapists” and drug runners – has been assailed by Democrats and Republicans alike as he’s also vowed to build a wall along the U.S. -Mexico border.

Ralph Alvarado of the Kentucky General Assembly spoke at the Republican National Convention to urge Latinos to vote for Trump.

Trump in return called Walker “a great gentleman and a really great governor”, a marked contrast from the pair’s colorful history.

The GOP Congressman also pointed out that Trump’s campaign rally in CT, a state that hasn’t elected a Republican to a federal office since 2006, is another form of evidence of why he isn’t attempting to win.

“He walked out in disgrace”. “D$3 on’t forget, when I lost Wisconsin, it was over for Trump”.

It’s true that, in the wake of his Wisconsin loss to Sen.


Clinton’s candidacy was buoyed in the Democratic primary in part by winning the support of a majority of African-American voters, and campaign on issues of racial equality, social justice and addressing systematic racism.

Rally for Hillary Clinton Kaine