
Trump Leads National GOP Horserace, Cruz Surges Into 2nd Place

Ben Carson doubled down on his stance that he will leave the GOP if party elite are planning to mount a floor fight at the nominating convention.


He acknowledged that Mr Carson, like Mr Trump and the rest of Republican field, signed a pledge not to launch a third-party bid.

Donald Trump’s proposal to use a religious test to prevent Muslims from entering the United States is anathema to the values upon which our country was founded.

The Washington Post first reported on Thursday that during a recent private dinner, a group including Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell addressed Trump’s sustained strength and the possibility that a consensus nominee might not emerge before the convention.

“I had a meeting with Netanyahu”.

Twenty-seven percent of Republican primary voters – an increase of four points since the last poll was taken – chose Trump, while Cruz picked up 22 percent support.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s criticism of his widely condemned calls to ban Muslim entry to the United States was “modest”, but still “inappropriate”.

Carson said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” he entered the race because he heard from voters who were frustrated by “back room deals of subterfuge and dishonesty”.

There are those who claim there could never be another fascist era like what happened in Germany and led to World War II and the extermination of millions of people due to their religion. “We will certainly be keeping a close eye on things”. “But, you know, the jury is out”, Carson stated. “If it is correct, every voter who is standing for change must know they are being betrayed”. But Trump denied that world leaders are “distancing themselves” from him. Carson told ABC News Friday he has “no intention of running as an independent” but said he doesn’t “want to be a part of corruption”. “Im supposed to be on the other side writing checks, ” he said. The poll had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 5 percentage points.


Carson said he’s spoken to Preibus and was told that the meeting was a routine one and there are no back-room deals taking place. “You know, this is a very fluid contest”.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson laugh during Republican presidential debate at Milwaukee Theatre Tuesday Nov. 10 2015 in Milwaukee