
Trump leads packed GOP field, new poll says

“But I like the fact that he’s holding the Republican establishment’s feet to the fire”.


“And my constituents are mad about it. Then you have El Chapo escaping, and you have this tragic death of this woman in San Francisco, and you have a volatile little mixture from which Donald Trump appeals to”.

The outspoken real estate mogul got the support of 21% of likely Granite State GOP voters in the poll.

This week he called rival Republican candidate Lindsey Graham a “total lightweight” and, in a stunning breach of normal political etiquette, read out his personal mobile number to the crowd. Former Gov. Mike Huckabee recently said Trump was “fascinating” and “sort of unfiltered in a way that’s refreshing”. When tested in hypothetical general election matchups against top Democrats, he trails both frontrunner Hillary Clinton and upstart Senator Bernie Sanders by wide margins.

“He has tapped into a dissatisfaction amongst the American people that the government isn’t working for them”, McCain said. We have to put up with this for another 16 months? “Trump 2016″, (sic) he tweeted to his half a million followers.

Another poll in Iowa showed Trump nearly tied with Walker’s lead position there – 17 percent for Trump and 19 for Walker. They want to compete with each other by showing more of Trump’s controversial statements in order to boost their ratings. It is Trump, Trump, Trump.

John McCain (R-AZ) last weekend, Donald Trump was supposed to be toast.

On Thursday, CNN broadcast live his arrival – by private jet emblazoned with his name in huge golden letters – at the Texas-Mexico border to condemn illegal immigration and declare his love for Latinos. Scott Walker is at 12%, and Ohio Governor John Kasich comes in a surprising fourth with 7 %. At this point in 2008 and 2012 candidates like Rudy Giuliana and Fred Thompson were leading the Republican field in polls.

Republicans, their noses out of joint, don’t know how to fend off such an unpredictable, and populist opponent. “I’d say that no matter who was No. 1″. Attacking him with censure and shame is like trying to destroy Godzilla with electricity: It might just make him stronger. The USA Today poll found that 61 percent of Republican voters have an unfavorable impression of Trump, compared to just 23 percent who have a favorable impression of him. The establishment reaction to Trump’s McCain comments “will probably mark the moment when Trump’s candidacy went from boom to bust”, according to the New York Times.

Some Republicans already fear the tone of their debate, scheduled on August 6, to which the top 10-poll ranking candidates are invited.


The CNN/ORC poll also found that 15 percent want Trump to run as a third-party candidate, something the billionaire businessman has threatened to do if the Republican National Committee, which has urged Trump to tone down his rhetoric, does not treat him fairly. A quick check of the record reveals this representative sample of individuals Trump has publicly branded as “a loser”: former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen.

If dominating the airwaves is the name of the game then Donald Trump has got game