
Trump looks to Republican convention for bump in polling numbers

“For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people’s champion”, she said.


Republicans have nominated for president a boorish bully who does not share their conservative philosophy – who appears, in fact, to have no fixed philosophy at all. “Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims”, read excerpts of prepared remarks shared by Trump’s campaign shortly after the leak that are almost identical to the full speech sent around by CTR.

What you’ll want to look out for during the speeches: Will yet another speaker-or even the nominee-veer the convention off script at its climax?

Continued Trump: “Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation, one of the greatest job-killers of them all”. Trump’s wife, Melania, foreshadowed it all on opening night, noting, “It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama”.

Trump didn’t budge from his combative stance on immigration as he wrapped up the week’s Republican National Convention. Balloons will drop from the ceiling, and the stage will be filled with Trump family members and supporters.

Trump was introduced to the crowd by his daughter, Ivanka Trump. “He could have just said, ‘I’m not coming, I don’t feel comfortable'”. “I think she’s done very, very well”. “Other than a small group of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the party is VERY united”, he wrote on Twitter Thursday.

The GOP presidential nominee said he’ll also abandon what he calls the “nation building” and “regime change” policies pushed by his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, when she was secretary of state.

Cruz was booed off the stage last night and this morning, in a speech to the Texas delegation, he said he’s not ready to endorse Trump and defended his remarks.

Asked whether, as commander-in-chief, he would order the USA military to defend Baltic allies in the event of a hypothetical Russian invasion-reminded once more of America’s obligation to its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies-he replied in earnest, “If they fulfill their obligations to us, the answer is yes”. Democrats, Republicans and worldwide partners warned of the risks of backing away from North Atlantic Treaty Organisation obligations.

Der Spiegel noted that Trump’s keynote speech was characterized by “attacks against Hillary Clinton and illegal immigrants, many promises and lots of self-praise”.

At every turn, Trump drew sharp contrasts with Clinton, casting her as both unqualified for the presidency and too tied to Washington elites to understand voters’ struggles. Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine emerged as the leading contender, according to two Democrats familiar with the selection process, with an announcement expected as early as Friday.

On the second day there was a convention floor fight over rules that was driven by anti-Trump forces and Cruz loyalists. But that goal seemed guaranteed to go unfulfilled following Cruz’s stubborn defiance on the convention stage.

After three days of stumbles at his national convention – capped by a divisive speech by Trump’s top primary campaign rival, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas – the stakes have only grown higher.

Ohio Governor John Kasich, who also lost to Mr Trump in the nomination fight and disagreed with him on a host of issues, had declined to attend the convention held in his own state. On Wednesday, he withheld his support from Trump during a passionate late-night speech. He insisted he would not be a “servile puppy dog”, especially after Trump’s criticism of his wife and father.

Political conventions are supposed to stoke and showcase party unity behind a presidential nominee whose virtues are unalloyed.


But when Trump was asked in the Times interview whether small Baltic nations and other NATO allies could count on the USA to stand by its treaty obligations to defend them if Russian Federation attacks, Trump responded: “Have they fulfilled their obligations to us?”

Cruz refuses to specifically endorse Trump in RNC speech