
Trump Loves Cruz, Trump Loves Cruz Not

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has accused his Republican presidential rival Donald Trump of exhibiting inconsistent conservatism and said the billionaire real estate mogul is becoming “rattled” and “dismayed” by his gains.


“There are many people who are observing [that] this race nationally is coming more and more down to a two-man race between me and Donald Trump”, Cruz said. Nobody likes him. Nobody in Congress likes him.

Aboard his campaign bus Monday evening, Cruz told NPR that voters want “someone they can trust – not someone who, on any given day, they don’t know what he’s likely to do”. That sounds like a very good case. He would go in there and make deals. He said that he is making the 69-year-old businessman nervous, and that Trump’s numbers have been dropping in recent polls.

Trump disarmed Cruz in Thursday’s debate with a passionate defense of New York City’s reaction to the attacks of September 11, 2001.

“Any candidate on that stage, no matter how much you like them when they’re campaigning, if they haven’t stood and fought”, Cruz told a Tea Party audience at an event in Myrtle Beach.

During a pro-gun event at a New Hampshire shooting range this month, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz explained his views on protecting Second Amendment rights, freedom and liberty for all Americans.

Trump warned that candidates like Cruz would hire “political hacks” in their administrations.

On Fox News Sunday, Cruz argued that Trump had a record of being a liberal on issues like gay marriage, partial birth abortion, and was pro-choice.

With precisely two weeks until the first votes of 2016 are cast, the state of the Republican presidential race remains as unpredictable as ever.

News that Trump, known more for womanizing, an extravagant lifestyle and bombastic rhetoric than for piety, will speak on campus triggered threats of student protests.

Cruz said he had opposed the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and “Obama’s massive stimulus plan”, but “on both of those Mr. Trump supported it”. Let’s go, OK. But he’s a nasty guy. “I think the American people are looking for a commander-in-chief who is stable and steady and a calm hand to keep this country safe”.

Cruz though is calling out Trump for what he considers questionable conservative values.

“Don’t listen to what any of us say on the campaign trail, but rather follow the biblical principle, ‘You shall know them by their fruits.’ Ask what they have done”, Cruz said, going on to list Trump’s long history of donating to Democrats and supporting traditionally Democratic causes.

SNL’s “Neil Cavuto” asks Cruz if “Seinfeld” is what he meant by “New York values”.

The New York Times reported this week that Cruz had not disclosed two loans from big banks, Goldman Sachs and Citibank, in a Federal Election Commission Senate filing.


On “Meet the Press”, Establishment candidate Marco Rubio echoed Trump. And, I must say the team of interviewers last evening was decidedly handling her with kid gloves lest she be damaged further.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz R-Texas departs a campaign stop in Washington N.H. on Monday