
Trump Makes U-Turn On Obama ‘Founder Of ISIS’ Comment

Now, Trump’s trying to claim his ISIS mistake was sarcasm, but does he know what sarcasm is?


“These are the founders of ISIS because of bad judgment”.

I guess that’s one more thing, like the Iraq war, when he was for it before he was against it. “I do. He was the most valuable player”.

Trump’s campaign instead said that he meant the power of “Second Amendment people” to unify. “They are the founders”, Trump said at a National Association of Home Builders event in Miami Thursday morning.

Calls for violence, especially against protesters at his rallies, have been a staple of Trump’s campaign appearances.

Julian Zelizer, a presidential historian at Princeton University, said that claiming the sitting president is the founder of a terrorist organization “crosses a line” in campaign rhetoric.

“Therefore”, Trump added, closing the circle, “he was the founder of ISIS“.

Hewitt: Last night, you said the president was the founder of ISIS. The founder. He founded ISIS.

Mr Trump has insisted his description of Barack Obama as the founder of Islamic State was simply sarcasm. This news story is related to Print/142155-Trump-says-comment-on-Obama-founding-IS-was-sarcasm/ – breaking news, latest news, pakistan ne.

Donald Trump has continued his string of verbal attacks against opponent Hillary Clinton and other supporting members of the Democratic Party.

Despite months of insisting he’s a straight talker with “the best words”, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump spent almost all week cleaning up the mess his own words created.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a town hall at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, USA, 14 March 2016. “I do”, Trump replied. Asked specifically about USA citizens, Trump told the Miami Herald that he didn’t like that Obama and others wanted to try them in traditional courts. This is a tactic, this is not an accident, this is a tactic. She’s hammered him for avoiding accountability for his actions. Surely, they offered, he meant Obama’s policies had enabled the extremist group’s rise.

“Take a look at Orlando. Take a look at what’s going on, and then worldwide, and we let ISIS take this position”, he said. “And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton”. “Her weakness. Her weak policies”.

The first is that Trump agrees with Hewitt substantively, that his argument is the same as Hewitt’s, and that his only disagreement with Hewitt is over whether he should call Obama the “founder”.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll released on Friday suggested support for Trump is eroding among voters in three battleground states.


“Obviously I was being sarcastic and a lot of people really smiled and laughed”. That rallying cry was popularized at the Republican convention in Cleveland in July. In an email to supporters asking them to donate, Trump accused the “liberal media” of telling “outrageous lies about me”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally Friday Aug. 12 2016 in Erie Pa