
Trump marks campaign anniversary in Texas

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee spent about two hours on the ground in the Alamo City. His public event in Atlanta on Wednesday was just as large.


The Republican Party, said Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa, “has as its leader a racist”, and, in Texas, “a leadership that would rather support a racist than Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state”.

– Dallas police are calling their preparation and response to Donald Trump’s Dallas visit a success. PolitiFact could only find one example of Trump commenting on the Iraq War before the invasion, and he seemed apprehensive but not vehemently opposed to the operation.

“This is the one-year anniversary, and hopefully, we’re going to make it a worthwhile year”, he told the adoring crowd. “I think the way DPD handled it was overboard”, another protestor said.

On Monday, Donald Trump addressed the massacre in Orlando by reiterating some of his wildest and most unsafe promises of the campaign.

Trump appeared at Gilley’s, an entertainment venue similar to the one in Houston made famous in the 1980 John Travolta film Urban Cowboy.

Protest organizers Domingo Garcia and Peter Johnson also said they believe Dallas police and demonstrators displayed good cooperation. Thursday marked one year since the Republican candidate launched his presidential campaign. “We’ll see if he’s able to put it back on the track, I don’t know, but not a lot of happy campers in terms of how this race is proceeding so far”. “It’s weird, my mom is really against us supporting Trump”. Ted Cruz’s campaign as they used it as a basis of their “New York values” attacks on Trump, since the then-real estate mogul cited his Empire State upbringing as the reason for some of his more liberal beliefs. The reality show creator and host of “Celebrity Apprentice” who’s now running to win the rights to occupy the Oval Office, may not get there if he can not reverse the disapproval ratings from these two influential voting blocks, which hovers near the 90 percentile. “Countries that contribute to her foundation”, including Saudi Arabia, he said, throw gay people off buildings.

‘Thank you. What a handsome compliment, ‘ he said again, reveling in the words: ‘I love your hair!

Trump’s speech was brimming with his standard notes, including his pledge to build a wall along America’s southern border, barely 500 miles away.

‘LGBT is starting to like Donald Trump very much lately, I will tell you, ‘ Trump said at a rally in Texas on Thursday (16 June).


Trump, who had been mocking the Obama administration for its handling of nuclear weapons negotiations with Iran, stopped dead in his tracks.

The Latest: Trump slams AFL-CIO for endorsing Clinton