
Trump meets Gold Star families

McCain and other Republican leaders have said that Humayun Khan sacrificed for his country, and his family doesn’t deserve to be questioned by Trump.


“Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military and made the ultimate sacrifice”. She said Tuesday, “I am deeply dismayed with what Donald Trump is saying. And it looked like she had nothing to say”. His divisive politics has also urged his own party to be torn if they are for or against the kind of leadership that Trump offers (via CNN).

Trump has repeatedly singled out the Khans, who are Muslims, after Khizr Khan gave an emotional speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

The term Gold Star families originated during World War I. During the conflict Americans would fly a flag bearing a blue star for every immediate family member serving in the armed forces. “Y$3 ou have radical Islamic terrorists probably all over the place, we’re allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands” Trump told the interviewer. “Period”, Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement issued to media.

Trump has yet to apologize although his son, Eric Trump, said on CBS This Morning that the senior Trump had indeed apologized to the Khans and the Gold Star families. “I’m just telling you how I feel”. Trump insinuated that Mrs. Khan remained silent due to their faith, though she had conducted interviews alongside her husband before and expressed that speaking became hard at the sight of her son’s picture. He also asked Trump what sacrifice he has made for the United States and asked him to visit Arlington cemetery and see for himself how many immigrants have sacrificed their lives for their adopted homeland.

“McCain, a former Republican nominee for president, wrote Monday in a statement “. “Don’t forget, last time he said I would never get the nomination, now he’s saying I wouldn’t get the election”.

Ghazala and Khizr Khan, Gold Star parents.

“We’re in the political process of the greatest democracy on the planet Earth”, Khan said on PBS NewsHour, adding that criticism of a presidential candidate’s policies is “part of the political process”.

“If you worked for Capitain Khan, then you knew you were taken care of”.


According to Meyers, this feud with the family of a slain soldier wasn’t even the only thing he did this weekend “that made it clear he’s spectacularly unprepared to be president”. “And you are certainly right; your son was the best of America, and the memory of his sacrifice will make us a better nation-and he will not be forgotten”.

Senate Republicans on the spot over Trump comments on Khan