
Trump meets Gold Star families in wake of Khan controversy

Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr has distanced himself from GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comments about the Muslim-American parents whose son died fighting in Iraq.


“I just visited with some incredible folks…”

“I was going to vote for Trump, still might”, said Luanne Miller, an Army vet, there with a friend. Trump also questioned if Khizr Khan’s words in the convention speech were his own.

“No offense, but I think I want a president who would remember meeting Vladimir Putin”, Meyers said.

In a letter published Monday on, a group of 11 “Gold Star” families wrote, “Your recent comments regarding the khan family were repugnant and personally offensive to us”.

Khizr Khan, whose speech at the Democratic National Convention about his slain son has garnered admiration from Democrats and some Republicans, but ire from Donald Trump, says the candidate needs to have “patience and tolerance for criticism”. Khizr Kahn’s son, Humayun Khan, was killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004.

A senior Senate Republican aide, who asked not to be identified, said Republican senators were pleased with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s statement on Sunday calling Captain Khan “an American hero” and noting “a travel ban on all members of a religion is simply contrary to American values”. “You, Mr. Trump, deserve our contempt”.

“Trump sees it as a kind of score-settling exercise to make up for the speech they gave at the Democratic Convention”. Given a chance to walk back those comments, Trump declined, saying he didn’t think he went too far in his comments against his opponent.

Trump responded by suggesting that Khan’s wife, Ghazala Kahn, who stood on stage with him, was forbidden from speaking due to their Muslim faith.

Cantor also called on current Sheriff Shaun Golden, a Republican, to join him in “demanding an apology to the Khan family and he should stop supporting Trump with his fundraisers and the continued advertisement of signs for his candidate”.

Trump has not yet apologized to the Khans, but on Twitter said the real issue is the growing threat of Islamic terrorism.


Naqvi, 69, a retired USA government engineer from Newburgh, New York, is a member of a small community of Muslims who are among America’s Gold Star families, those whose loved ones were killed while serving in the US military.

Trump in Florida