
Trump meets with Hispanic advisory board, calls for more inclusive GOP

Donald Trump’s struggling candidacy has become a direct threat to Republican control of Congress, significantly increasing the likelihood that Democrats will take control of the Senate and cut substantially into the House Republican majority next year.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says the party of Lincoln must improve its efforts to bring black voters back to the fold and that he wants an inclusive GOP.

The problem for Democrats is that the state’s white voters, more so than in states with similar demographics, like North Carolina or Virginia, vote heavily for Republicans.

Clinton has spent more money than Trump on TV ads and campaign workers, though Clinton’s campaign has 619 more people on its payroll than Trump’s.

“It’s very hard to find someone to mimic the reckless temperament and the hateful instincts and divisive instincts of Donald Trump”.

Meanwhile, 23% of those surveyed indicated they do not want to vote for either candidate.

Trump was going to pivot to the general election after the IN primary IN May, when he secured the delegates he would need for the nomination and knocked out Ted Cruz, who was his last major competitor.

Over the last month, Ayotte, who is facing a tough re-election battle this fall, stood by the combative GOP presidential nominee despite his attacks on the Gold Star parents of a fallen US soldier, his suggestion that “Second Amendment people” could stop Hillary Clinton from choosing Supreme Court justices and even his initial refusal to endorse Ayotte herself following her critiques of some of his statements. That’s more than double the rate for whites in the same age group, but far less than the figure Trump used.

Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, disputed claims of a Trump turnaround.

“I’m beating her in the polls by a lot”, Trump boasted earlier this month, saying his support in New Hampshire was better than hers.

Democrats also said that Trump continues to fuel unfounded rumors about Clinton’s health, questioning whether she has the “stamina” to be president.

Her campaign manager addressed a more recent issue: denying foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation received any special treatment.

And at rally in Fredericksburg, Virginia, on Saturday, he said, “I want our party to be the home of the African-American voter once again”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads GOP rival Donald Trump by 6 percentage points in OH, according to a YouGov/CBS poll released Sunday that also shows an even race in Iowa. Pat McCrory is also facing a hard re-election, have begun discussing ways to appeal to Republican voters who are uneasy about Trump but willing to support other Republican candidates. In the CBS poll, Trump led Clinton by 4 points, which is within the margin of error.


Though Trump has blamed his own party for a failure to appeal to black voters, his new rhetorical efforts to make inroads with minorities has won praise from GOP leaders. “In other words, he just this week, look what he talked about”, Conway said, adding that “he’s said that he regrets causing personal pain to those who feel it based on things that he has said”. “But Republicans, I think, have made the mistake of putting the largely African-American messaging in terms of crime, poverty and welfare rather than talking about empowerment, self-sufficiency and achieving the American dream”, Christie said.

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