
Trump meets with minority leaders ahead of Clinton speech

The 70-odd-second video opens with a shot of a white-robed man-identified as an Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan-explaining that, “The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in”.


“Hillary Clinton is in a pretty strong spot right now in the campaign given the repeated missteps by Trump and quite frankly if I’m her it may not be a bad thing to let Donald Trump be the only candidate making news on any given day”, said GOP strategist Ryan Williams, a veteran of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaigns.

“So what does she do when she can’t defend her record?”

Trump fared even worse, with only 35 percent of likely voters saying they liked him while 53 percent said they disliked him. “It’s nothing that Mr. Trump says out on the stump”, Conway said.

“She lies, she smears, she paints decent Americans as racists”, said Trump, who then defended some of the core – and to some people, divisive – ideas of his candidacy. “She doesn’t want change”.

Donald Trump on Thursday came out swinging against Hillary Clinton for her recent attacks in response to his personal outreach to minority voters, and labeling him as a racist, suggesting it’s an attack on “decent people” supporting the Republican ticket. “It’s the oldest play in the Democratic playbook: say ‘You’re racist, you’re racist, you’re racist.’ It’s a exhausted, disgusting argument”. It’s a exhausted, disgusted argument and is so totally predictable. “They are failing so badly”.

Bannon told the magazine Mother Jones during the Republican National Convention last month that the website was “the platform for the alt-right”, a brand of US political conservatism associated with white nationalism and nativism. “They keep saying it. They have heard it too many times before – the well is dry, the well is dry”.

In comments broadcast on Fox News on Wednesday night, Trump backed farther away from his hardline stance on deporting millions of illegal immigrants, saying he would be willing to work with those who have abided by US laws while living in the country.

“I do feel sometimes like this campaign has entered into an alternative universe”, Clinton said in an appearance Monday night on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live”.


Trump’s “America first” campaign pitch has attracted many on the alt-right, drawn in particular to his pledges to deport the estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally and to temporarily bar foreign Muslims from the U.S. Trump has since softened his tone, raising questions about whether he’ll backtrack on mass deportations.

Clinton Foundation Even the Left Says Shut it Down