
Trump met with ‘some really amazing’ Gold Star families

The trio each chided Trump for engaging in a flap with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and Purple Heart after his death in 2004. He told a Virginia television station that he doesn’t “regret anything” about his drawn-out discord with the Khan family.


Burr, R-North Carolina, also issued a statement reported by the Charlotte Observer and The Associated Press. Ten parents, siblings and spouses of fallen service members were included. “Captain Khan is an American hero in every sense of the term and the Khans deserve our sincerest gratitude”. I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers, or candidates. “Live the life of Islam, for which you have already left the path of falsehood”, the militant said.

President Barack Obama has confirmed that Donald Trump will get national security briefings ahead of the November election, but he warned the Republican candidate, whom he has called “unfit” for office, that information from the meetings must be kept secret.

Gov. Mike Pence on Wednesday came out and endorsed Ryan in his primary election.

The couple are Muslims who immigrated to the United States from Pakistan.

Even his campaign hats, which say they are “Made in the United States of America”, are not entirely made domestically, according to an Associated Press analysis.

A short time later, Trump elicited widespread backlash by insinuating Khan’s wife was not allowed to speak. “I said nice things about the son and I feel that very strongly but of course I was hit very hard from the stage and you know it’s just one of those things but no I don’t regret anything”, he said. The father, Khizr Khan, criticized Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric and said the real estate mogul had “sacrificed nothing and no one”.

Besides not endorsing Ryan, Trump also made a nod to Ryan’s opponent in the Wisconsin Republican Primary, Paul Nehlen, after he backed Trump in his feud with the Kahn family.

Meanwhile, groups of wealthy Republicans unhappy with Mr. Trump have been privately courting prominent peers to join them in backing Democrat Hillary Clinton’s US presidential bid, several people involved in the effort told Reuters. Trump refused to do so in an interview with The Washington Post on Tuesday.

Obama was a state senator in IL in 2004.

Clinton highlighted Trump’s use of outsourcing to manufacture some of his branded products, arguing he’s profited from the same foreign labor he now blames for killing She voted in favor of the Iraq War in 2002.

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Instead, she pointed her finger at Hillary Clinton.


Here are two views of that controversy.

Republican National Convention Day Four