
Trump Mistakes ‘confidential’ and ‘classified’ in Clinton Attack

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Hillary Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine compared Donald Trump’s seeming encouragement of Russian Federation to hack and release Clinton’s emails to Watergate.


She couldn’t give an example of how classification of a document was determined and said “she relied on career foreign service professionals to appropriately mark and handle classified information”.

But FBI interviews with three former DS agents “revealed Clinton stored her personal BlackBerry in a desk drawer in DS ‘Post 1, ‘ which was located within the SCIF on Mahogany Row”.

She repeatedly said she did not use it to send or receive classified information. “This is serious business”, Kaine, the Virginia senator and Democratic vice presidential candidate, said on ABC’s “This Week”.

As the announcement came days after the US Attorney General, the FBI’s overall boss, attempted to secretly meet former President Bill Clinton, and after President Barack Obama had already endorsed Hillary Clinton, critics could argue that the system had been gamed.

According to reports released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on September 2, she was shown an email with a “C” marking on it, indicating that it was classified, Clinton told the Federal Bureau of Investigation she thought the letter was there to help organise the paragraphs alphabetically.

The FBI said it can not be sure foreign entities did not gain access to classified material Clinton sent or received while serving as President Barack Obama’s first secretary of state.

The panel did not discuss part of the report where aides were said to have destroyed the devices with ahammer.

However, what seems abundantly clear is that there will be more revelations that Clinton will have to answer for – every single one of them a life preserver tossed to a floundering Trump campaign. Clinton’s support has dropped steadily in the weekly tracking poll since August 25, eliminating what had been a eight-point lead for her.

She directed her aides to create her private e-mail account but said she had no knowledge of why a private server was installed in the basement of her NY home or how it was secured.

The colleague answered Clinton had been in bed for a nap, but would “go over” the matter later. “She did make a mistake, and she made it by deciding she wanted to use one device rather than multiple devices”.

As the Democratic presidential nominee’s scandals continue to mount and dog her throughout the remainder of the election season, her campaign will have an increasingly hard time ignoring her scandals.

Yet Pence also opened the door for more criticism of Trump by vowing to release his own income tax returns within the next week.


“The Department of Justice agreement to limit the scope of a criminal interview based on untested claims of attorney-client privilege is, at the very least, unusual”, Coffin writes.

FBI Releases Documents From Probe Into Hillary Clinton's Email Use