
Trump mulls charging CNN $5 million for debate appearance

Unlike Chris Christie, New Jersey governor and one of Trump’s political rivals, who said yesterday that Trump’s tale ‘didn’t happen, ‘ Giuliani wouldn’t go as far. A week of raging debate over Syrian refugees and Islamic State violence has scattered misinformation everywhere.


GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump claims he saw Muslim Americans celebrating after the terror attacks on September 11th in 2001, and now he’s getting heat from his own party.

So, as I have said repeatedly, Trump greatly exaggerated the number, but he was not wrong about the fact that there were some American Muslims, specifically in New Jersey, who cheered the 9/11 attacks.

“I definitely remember Paterson, New Jersey, because I’m from there”, said Kerik.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in an email that Trump would still be holding a private meeting with the group on Monday before departing for a rally in Georgia. Trump said after the incident, “Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing”.

“Our community really wants him to be sensitive with the way he handles people and they feel he’s insensitive”, Pullings said.

The meeting was originally billed by the Trump campaign as a public endorsement of the businessman and reality show star by more than 100 black pastors at his NY company headquarters. I saw it. So many people saw it, Chuck.

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush says he’s not sure he would have attended the Paris climate summit because its proposals would hurt the US economy.

“This meeting was wonderful”. “I am not officially endorsing ANY candidate and when I do you will NOT need to hear it from pulpitting courtjesters who suffer from intellectual and spiritual myopia”, he posted on Facebook.

“If I do this, it could be he’s playing too cute, Trump said”.

Donald Trump met with a group of black pastors for several hours on November 30, calling the session an “amazing meeting” that went longer than planned because “we came up with lots of good ideas”.


“We’re going to have a military bigger and so strong we won’t have to use it”, Trump said.

Giuliani refutes Trump’s 9/11 claim ‘We had some pockets’ of people celebrating — not thousands