
Trump nears VP decision; contenders on standby

The drama only heightened Thursday evening when Trump said he was postponing a planned 11 a.m. Friday announcement “in light of the awful attack in Nice, France”, which killed scores after a truck plowed into a crowd. The New York Time ssaid Trump’s campaign has signaled strongly to Washington Republicans that he will choose Pence but that party members say Trump could still change his mind. Ohio Republican Party officials would not comment until after the official announcement.


“It’s no secret I’m a big fan of Mike Pence’s”, said House Speaker Paul Ryan.

“What was apparent to me then was there was some unwritten agreement that we had arrived at, an unstated truce between pro-abortion and pro-life legislators”, Pence told Vox editor Sarah Kliff in an interview in 2011.

However, Trump and the IN governor differ on some key issues including the billionaire businessman’s call to ban Muslim from entering the US.

Even Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Wisconsin, who was one of the first Republicans to turn his fire on Trump during the GOP primary, approved of Trump’s apparent selection.

“His vice president candidate isn’t going to make a lot of difference, I don’t think, in whether people will vote for him or not”.

USA networks reported Thursday, July 14, that Pence has already accepted the VP slot. Trump is campaigning amid speculation he may select Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate.

“More surprised than anything, I mean, I don’t know about everyone else but it really looked like it could have been Newt Gingrich or someone else like that who was a little more involved with Trump’s campaign, but maybe MikePpence is doing things that we just didn’t hear about”, said Dylan Beghtel.

Trump’s pick coming days before the start of next week’s Republican convention in Cleveland, where there’s still some talk of a delegate rebellion.

Pence, a staunch conservative who served six terms in Congress, is seen as a running mate who would have the backing of GOP leaders and ease some of their concerns about Trump’s political inexperience and volatile temperament.

Pence, a former congressman, is seen as a safe choice, not too flashy but popular among conservatives, with Midwestern appeal and the ability to rally more party faithful behind Trump. He said he thinks that Pence’s leaving the race for governor helps the Republicans in the race against Democrat John Gregg.

Pence has also voiced support for free trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Pence, 57, has been considered a potential presidential candidate in several elections, including 2008 and 2012.

In 2016, he was the target of a mocking social media campaign by women outraged at a law he signed creating new restrictions on abortions.


Pence is now running for re-election in Indiana. Pence later signed an amendment to the law protecting the rights of LGBT people.

Trump camp signaling that Mike Pence is his VP pick