
Trump no longer amusing, says Hillary Clinton

Writing in the Press and Journal, one of Scotland’s oldest newspapers, the real-estate mogul, who has financial and ancestral ties to the region, accused Britons of pandering to political correctness when instead they “should be thanking me”.


Trump told Fox News he postponed the trip because he did not want to put pressure on Netanyahu, who faced demands from Israeli politicians to call off the planned December 28 meeting.

Clinton then reiterated the dangerousness of Trump’s ban on all Muslims, as it, “plays right into the hands of terrorists” by giving them a great propaganda tool to recruit more people from the West to their cause.

Recalling he had once campaigned in support of Netanyahu, Trump insisted he had “a lot of friends from Israel and a tremendous amount of support from the people of Israel”. In short, he is seen as the most decisive candidate of either party – both by Republicans and by Americans at large.

But the Trump visit had already stirred strong opposition in Israel, with a range of lawmakers opposing it because of his stance towards Muslims.

“I have to say Seth, I no longer think he’s amusing”, she replied.

Peter Westmacott, the British ambassador to the United States, said in a response that “we are very proud of the Muslim community in the United Kingdom” and what extremist groups were doing did not have anything to do with Islam.

He called for the ban after last week’s mass shooting in California by a Muslim couple said to have been radicalised.

“Donald Trump is exactly what this country needs”, Stepp said.

While Mr Trump’s proposed ban has drawn near-universal condemnation from world leaders, polls show it is popular with the Republican primary election voters Mr Trump is courting.

In the CBS/New York Times national poll, Ben Carson has slipped to third place at 13%, with Marco Rubio in fourth place at 9%.

The GOP’s early voting contests, which begin with the Iowa caucuses in less than eight weeks, tend to feature the party’s most passionate voters, who have been excited about Trump’s candidacy.


Billionaire-turned-politician Trump recently added to an already controversial US Presidential campaign by claiming that all Muslims should be barred from entering the US “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on”.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump supporters await his arrival at a rally in Sarasota Florida