
Trump Not Dragging Rubio Down in Florida

The businessman has boasted of his ability to get media attention without spending money, though it has left Clinton’s huge ad buys running almost unopposed months from the election.


Five other public polls of Florida voters this month have shown Democrat Clinton leading Republican Trump by between 1 point and 6 points in the crucial Sunshine State.

When Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein are included, Clinton still beats Trump by a convincing seven percentage points. He warned that Trump’s false assertions last week about President Barack Obama founding the Islamic State extremist group could be used by extremists to target American service members in Iraq.

An NBC News/SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll released Tuesday found that Clinton leads Trump nationally by 9 percentage points – 50 percent to 41 percent.

The congressman also cited Trump’s visit last week to CT, a state he has no chance of winning, as further evidence.

Unclear is whether the candidates will continue to pick up steam in the race – and whether, if they do, that will redound to Trump’s benefit.

The survey from Monmouth University found Clinton with the support of 48% of likely voters in the important swing state, compared with 39% for Trump. Kaine is viewed favorably by 54% of registered voters versus 37% who view him unfavorably, while Trump’s VP pick, Mike Pence, carries a 37%-34% favorable-unfavorable split. During the presidential primary, Rubio called Trump a “con man” and said he can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes.

The number of likely voters who picked neither Clinton nor Trump in the poll was almost 24 per cent.

According to the poll, majority of voters say Clinton has “the personality and temperament to serve” – 42 percent to 17 percent. Clinton’s lead is even more pronounced when analyzing voters under 45, where she leads 60-35 against Trump.

Clinton made gains with every demographic, keeping strong numbers consistent with Obama in 2012, while at the same time narrowing Trump’s lead with white voters.


PPP surveyed 944 likely Texas voters by phone and opt-in internet survey from August 12-14. A Washington Post poll of Virginia also out Tuesday showed Clinton up 14 points among registered voters, and 8 points among likely voters.

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