
Trump offered fear, anger but no solutions: Clinton

Yet even as they credited Trump with a more diplomatic speech than usual, some delegates still had issues.


“He’ll come and endorse over the next little while”.

Ivanka added that when Donald Trump is in charge all that counts is ability, effort, and excellence. What difference does it make? Koerner said she was still deciding whether to support Trump, while another delegate, Darl Eaton of Eueless, estimated “95 percent or more” of the delegation was on the same page. “Are you allowed to set up a super PAC, if you are the president, to fight somebody?”

A series of distractions at the convention largely thwarted a bid by the Trump campaign to show him as a caring father and magnanimous business leader who would bring greater prosperity and safety to the United States.

But the freshly minted GOP nominee then lambasted the Texas senator for not honoring his pre-convention pledge to support the ultimate nominee.

And Clinton, he said, “fails that test profoundly, and I will note a significant part of my speech last night was laying out the incredible damage of Hillary Clinton’s vision”.

Trump accepted the nomination on Thursday evening, portraying himself as a friend of the working class and the candidate to restore law and order. “I am your voice”, Trump declared.

Monday night was overshadowed by controversy over how Melania Trump’s speech was identical in spots to Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech.

“Really successful. She didn’t need to marry me”. He’s not qualified. He believes a lot of dumb things — and isn’t afraid to blurt them out to the rest of the world. “It wasn’t that easy”, he said. But he says he was “disappointed in some of the jabs he took during his speech”. “And, I have to say, it was somewhat dismaying that apparently some of Donald’s biggest partisans, when they heard you should vote for someone you can trust, defend the Constitution, they immediately began booing”. I don’t want his endorsement. In a certain way, although he’s got good intellect but he doesn’t know how to use it. Her greatest accomplishment, Trump said, was avoiding punishment from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for her use of a private email and personal server while as secretary of state.

Like half of America, I already knew that.

Then, Trump sparked more questions about his Oval Office readiness by suggesting in the midst of the convention that the USA might not defend America’s North Atlantic Treaty Organisation partners with him as president. Now, and I’m saying this just to clear it up because Ted says “he took adv -” I didn’t do anything. All I did was point out that on the cover of the National Enquirer there was a picture of him and insane Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast. Now, Ted never denied that it was his father.

Trump then turned to justifying how, on the eve of the IN primary that proved to be Cruz’s last stand, he touted a story IN the National Enquirer tabloid that printed a photo that purported to show Cruz’s father, Rafael, with Lee Harvey Oswald.


“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”, Cruz told the delegation, referring to Trump’s retweeting a post that ridiculed wife Heidi’s looks and for Trump insinuating that his father had something to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

In a scene that once seemed inconceivable Donald Trump completed a hostile takeover of the fractured Republican Party on Thursday night by accepting the nomination for president and declaring himself the law and order candidate