
Trump offered to make Kasich ‘most powerful’ VP

Bev Ehlen, a presidential delegate for Texas Sen.


As this year’s primary season wore on and voters showed little or no enthusiasm for John Kasich in state after state, the question became why the OH governor remained in the race.

Kasich seems to have little use for Trump, Bischoff said. “We want politicians to stand on principle, and whenever they do, if it’s not the principle we like, we’re not so much into them standing on principle”.

Cruz and Trump have significant bad political blood between them.

Ultimately, Trump chose Governor Mike Pence of IN, not Kasich, to be his running mate. “What I leanred in OH is you gotta birng people together”. Ted Cruz thing or a Donald Trump thing. The Columbiana County businessman and long-time county GOP chair says he respects Kasich deeply, thinks he’s been a phenomenal governor and regards him as a friend. He lamented that his own presidential bid unsuccessfully tried to “bring us together” and “raise the bar”, in order to present a contrast to Trump’s divisiveness. Yet the process by which Trump and his advisers chose Pence was largely left to the sometimes educated speculation of reporters, pundits and cable-news personalities.

His position is at odds with longstanding USA foreign policy.

“Anyone thinking they can break out in 2020 by helping bring about a Hillary Clinton presidency is insane”, said Davis, who wrote a column about his disappointment with Cruz.

“I have to go by what people say”, Kasich told Matthews. Donald Trump rejected the writer’s resignation, saying that it was an innocent mistake. “We’re like two companies, you know, we have a different vision, a different value system, and a different objective”, he said in an interview with Fox News’s America’s Newsroom in June when asked if he would support Trump.

On Monday afternoon, while convention delegates bustled around downtown, Ron Ferguson and other AFP activists sprinted through suburban Cleveland, adding to the more than 60,000 doors they’ve knocked on so far. Convention delegates formally nominated Trump on Tuesday.

Back in June, he told CBS’ John Dickerson it was “absolutely” a possibility for him to walk into the convention hall without endorsing Trump, and to date, he has not. Those are very bad policies.

Mr. Portman said his race’s outcome could determine whether Republicans hold on to their slim majority in the U.S. Senate.

“Don’t let it happen again”, Taylor said, regarding Clinton. One of Melania Trump’s speech writers admitted that she incorporated Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention speech into Melania Trump’s address, parts of which received huge backlash for apparent lifting.

“Personally I will vote for Donald Trump”. Trump refused to accept it.

“He is making a big mistake”.

But Trump’s communications adviser insisted Wednesday that, while a call occurred between Donald Trump Jr. and top Kasich adviser John Weaver, a vice presidential offer was never on the table.

When asked what that meant, Trump Jr. allegedly explained that Kasich would be put in charge of both foreign and domestic policy.

What I don’t understand is why Kasich apparently feels free to break his pledge to support the Republican nominee.

But Davis, like many others inside and outside the convention, surmises that presidential ambition was a factor.


Ultimately, the mogul chose Indiana Gov.

Republican National Convention Day One