
Trump officially accepts GOP nomination for president

Melanie Strum, a delegate who was standing near the Georgia delegation, told me the booing of Cruz began instantly upon his use of the phrase “Vote your conscience”. Ted Cruz, the victor of the state’s March caucus vote – have been at the center of the contention over the nomination of Trump.


Donald Trump accused Democratic rival Hillary Clinton of a legacy of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness” as US secretary of state and vowed to be tough on crime and illegal immigrants in a speech on Thursday accepting the Republican presidential nomination.

Cruz said on Thursday morning that he’s not prepared to endorse someone who still hasn’t apologized for calling his wife ugly and hinting his father may have been involved in killing President Kennedy.

“My thing is, your word is your bond”, said Sam, who ripped Cruz for backing out of a pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee.

Trump was introduced by his oldest daughter, Ivanka, who called her father “the people’s champion”. “As I recall, we had a revolution to make sure we didn’t have someone who said, ‘I can fix it alone, ‘” she said.

Senior Clinton aide John Podesta attacked Mr Trump for offering little more than “prejudice and paranoia” and promised she would set out a more positive vision for America when she accepts the party’s nomination at its convention next week in Philadelphia.

“Don’t let anyone tell you that America is second rate, especially somebody running for president”, George H.W. Bush said at the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston.

He said: “Our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation”.

At one point in his remarks, Trump even suggested forming his own PAC to oppose Cruz if the senator runs again in four years.

But some at the convention don’t see the GOP coming together.

Larry Otter said Republican Party disunity was “pretty apparent” Wednesday night.

“He would talk to them and then draw on his extensive network to find them a job or get them a break”, she said.

“I don’t care about the oneness of the party”, said White, a nurse. “I’m more concerned about the oneness of America, and that’s why we’re voting for Donald Trump”.

“I heard about Donald Trump’s dark and divisive vision”.


Put another way: Trump consistently saw bigger average margins relative to the victor or the second-place finisher (depending on whether or not he won) in states in which only registered Republicans could vote than in open-primary states. He will give his acceptance speech Thursday evening. Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party have seized on the comments by Cruz and the rift among Republicans. He also disavowed America’s foreign policy posture under both Democrat and Republican presidents, criticizing “fifteen years of wars in the Middle East” and declaring that “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo”. At their first joint rally, some Sanders supporters reportedly held signs saying “Won’t Vote Hillary.”

Donald J. Trump accepted the Republican Partys nomination for president in Cleveland on Thursday