
Trump open to taking big and small campaign contributions

Frank Rich was one of the great theater critics, and he managed to praise and pan Donald Trump concisely Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources”.


Asked to provide details about how he would put his plan into action, Trump repeatedly said: “It’s called management”.

Jim Sherota, 53, told a reporter from, that he’d like the border to become a “vacation spot” where immigrants would have a bounty on their heads.

He later reportedly said that he was joking.

“I don’t want lobbyists, I don’t want special interests, but certainly peoplewe have a lot of money coming in”, Trump said.

Trump has reignited the GOP’s longstanding obsession with mass deportation”, said Pablo Manriquez, the DNC’s director of Hispanic media.

While the Trump campaign and the city of Mobile estimated crowds reached closer to 30,000, several local outlets estimated a number closer to 20,000.

The former Florida governor protested, “I’m immersed in the immigrant experience”. Here’s an excerpt: “I will tell you that our system is broken”.

At the same time, Gov. Chris Christie – one of 16 Republican candidates trailing Trump in recent polls – criticized the billionaire businessman’s immigration platform, saying it’s “just too simplistic”. He said stricter enforcement of immigration laws would help resolve the problem and repeated his opposition to any move to deny U.S. citizenship to those born in America. Take for example his thoughts on changing the 14 amendment of the US Constitution, which reads in part “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States…” We have to get them back where they came from and the good ones we will expedite, we will work to expedite and you know what it’s called? The cost of the trip is $20K to $80K and according to USA Today, these births from China alone are likely “in the tens of thousands each year”.

He was happy to agree with 80 percent of a Republican candidate’s views because he knew that he’d never find someone with whom he agreed 100 percent. Americans in all but name, they have built their lives here.

“Later on, if we go to a flat tax, that’s something else”, he said.


On “Meet the Press“, Fiorina, the only woman running for president on the GOP side, said she owes Hillary Clinton, who lost to Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary, “a debt of gratitude”. “Not a bunch of political hacks that have no idea what they’re doing, appointed by President Obama, who doesn’t have a clue”, Trump said.

As market tumbles, GOP's 2016 hopefuls blame China, Obama