
Trump out of line in criticism of Khans

Donald Trump’s tone-deaf, defensive attacks on the parents of Humayun Khan, the U.S. Army captain killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004, have offended generations of active-service military members, veterans and their families. “I would gamble on Trump, as I am certain that Hillary has never and will never demonstrate any more loyalty to anyone other than her reflection”.


Three polls making headlines today show Donald Trump losing to Hillary Clinton by nine points in MI, 15 points in New Hampshire and 11 points in Pennsylvania. He would be the first ever Muslim American to hold this seat. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, and even his own party leadership.

This last trends calls for understanding the national narrative in U.S. politics and building up bridges rather than walls; can the Trump campaign managers understand new realities before it is too late?

Khzir Khan is a con man.

Republican Jeff Flake, Arizona’s junior senator, said Trump’s comments were “just laughable, frankly, if it weren’t so serious”. How do they know what Trump knows or doesn’t know about sacrifice? Gen. Dana J.H. Pittard, Khan’s former commanding officer, called the 27-year-old soldier a great officer in the Washington Post and labeled Trump’s words an “attack on all patriotic and loyal Americans who have sacrificed”. (His late brother was a Republican.) He said he watched the Khans at the DNC and pictured his parents on the same stage.

Trump was unable to understand the effect his views on the speech by Khizr Khan would have when in an interview he questioned Khizr’s wife’ silence during his speech stating that she was probably not allowed to speak.

These events and statements have come about all in a matter of two weeks resulting in a 15-point drop for Trump in the polls giving Hilary plenty of room to solidify her lead.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

In just one week, Khan’s powerful words have done more to damage the Trump brand than months of political attacks from the media and politicians.

“There were a lot of things that were swirling around my head when Mr. Khan was speaking”, he said in a phone interview, his voice cracking. He’s also been trashing Trump on Muslim-run media outlets overseas.

No wonder, the patriot representatives from 23 Gold Star families wrote an open letter defending the Khans.

But it was Khizr Khan’s speech that was the most significant and thought provoking highlight of the convention. Khan is a lawyer who works for the interests of Muslim nations and Islamic oil companies.

These veterans presented a petition to U.S. Sen. Later, there was outrage over Donald Trump’s reaction to the couple. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which-along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016 – plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

American Muslims for Trump founder Sajid Tarar was at home in Baltimore watching the final night of the Democratic National Convention on television last Thursday when the parents of an Muslim-American soldier killed in combat took the stage.

Mr. Khan had asked, famously, what Donald Trump had sacrificed.

These are not Republican or Democratic values.

Despite a divided polity, the Republican camp has to acknowledge the contribution and sacrifices made by second generation immigrants like the Pakistani American Khans. Failed policies in Libya and Syria, under the leadership of President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have made the world a more risky place. “That is not the case with Donald Trump”. If he remained silent, he would have looked weak and inept.

Trumps latest ramblings against a Gold Star family has raised a storm in the U.S. media and probably dented his reputation considerably.


Many commenters on the popular political blog Mediaite were furious with Rush Limbaugh for the segment, with one asking when the American right “collectively chose to p*** on veterans, dead and disabled included, and their families?” Republicans must unify if they expect to win.

Khans vs Trump