
Trump, parents of dead Muslim US soldier in dispute

“Donald Trump said that maybe I wasn’t allowed to say anything”, she added.


“But it’s certainly not going to drive Donald Trump to discard the nomination, he is the nominee”. “Because when I was standing there, all America felt my pain without saying a single word”.

Mr Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, said he sympathises with the Khan family but that their loss is not the issue at hand.

In an interview with ABC News, Trump said, “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices”.

“Donald Trump said that maybe I wasn’t allowed to say anything”, Khan wrote. We have a lot of problems where. you look at San Bernardino, you look at Orlando, you look at the World Trade Centre, you look at so many different things. “Together, we should pray for his family”, he said.

Khan’s son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan, was killed in Iraq in 2004.

On Twitter, Republican strategist Ana Navarro called Trump's comments about the Khans “gross” and labeled him a “jerk”. Most recently, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump for scapegoating the parents of a Muslim solider who was killed in Iraq while serving for the American Army.

Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democratic rival in the November 8 election, said at a campaign rally on Saturday that Trump’s comments about the Khans were part of a long history of insulting people. “It is hard to imagine anyone who has ever run to be president of the Untied States saying any of what he says but the accumulation of it all is just beyond my comprehension”, Clinton said.

Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., who served on active duty and is a colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, criticized Trump and Ryan Saturday.

Trump has faced severe criticism for his comments, from his own Republican party as well as those on the other side of the aisle. “Does he really need to wonder why I did not speak?” she wrote. And this is a time to honour the sacrifice of Captain Khan and all the fallen.

Khan responded emotionally to Trump again on Sunday, saying he appreciates the candidate’s recognition of his son as a hero but that his ideas remain un-American.

McConnell said he agreed with the Khan family than banning people from entering the USA based on their religion was contrary to American values. We are a testament to the goodness of this country. “Hillary voted for the Iraq war, not me!”. Trump chose to respond to the speech by mocking the writer and questioning whether Ghazala Khan hadn’t spoken on the stage because, as a Muslim woman, her husband wouldn’t permit her to speak in public.


“Captain Khan gave his life to defend our country in the global war on terror”, the in governor, who is Trump’s running mate, wrote.

Trump Blasted By Muslim 'Gold Star' Mother