
Trump, Pence bring 10-point VA reform plan to VFW Convention

The bigger question for Trump and Clinton, however, will be the impression the conventions leave on voters still waiting to be convinced about either of the two.


In a two-way matchup with Clinton, who is the Democratic presumptive nominee, the NY billionaire leads by three points, 48 percent to 45 percent, according to a CNN/ORC International poll. And Trump leads Clinton by five points, 44 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way contest with third-party candidates Gary Johnson (Libertarian) and Jill Stein (Green Party).

The new findings mark Trump’s best showing in a CNN/ORC Poll against Clinton since September 2015.

There have been two major polls conducted since the convention, a four-day gathering in Cleveland that ended with Trump’s acceptance speech Thursday.

Still, the CNN poll shows Clinton’s lead evaporating.

Trump also tends to poll well following terror threats, with several shocking events over the past week – including the attack in Nice – giving the GOP candidate the chance to talk tough on security.

The only suspense at this point is whether revelations about the Democratic National Committee’s opposition to Bernie Sanders will affect the willingness of Sanders and his supporters to back Hillary Clinton with anything approaching gusto.

Chris Franklin, a VFW medical liaison with Veterans Administration hospitals from Columbus, Miss., said most of Trump’s so-called reforms are already in place. Ninety-one percent of self-described Democrats and 87 percent of Democrat-leaning independents say they will vote for Clinton.

Compared to past conventions, 41 per cent of voters said this year’s convention was of more interest to them. On Friday, July 22, Hillary Clinton announced Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is expected to speak at the VFW Tuesday, following a campaign rally in Winston-Salem Monday evening.

Independent men supported Trump both before and after the convention, maintaining a solid 43 percent before and after.

The accumulated data in recent weeks has Trump climbing to a narrow 1-point lead over Clinton in the RealClearPolitics polling average.

Democratic convention leaders say speakers will address terrorism throughout the week. Another 20% think they need more information.

CBS showed just 31 percent have favorable views of Clinton and 56 percent have unfavorable ones. While 60% of Republican voters had a positive impression of the former presidential candidate before the convention, just 33% have one now.

The Trump campaign has claimed the visceral negative reaction to Cruz reflected the unity the party feels behind Trump himself. The share of Republicans who say their party is “united now” climbed from 16 per cent pre-convention to 24 per cent post-convention, but about 49 per cent say that it is not united, but will be by November, and there are still about a quarter who say the party won’t unite at all. Sure, there were some black, Asian and Latino faces at the arena, but they were so few and far between that the TV cameras seemed go back constantly to the same ones, as if they couldn’t find any others in the crowd.


The margin of error for the poll is 4.5 percentage points.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence are introduced at the 117th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States at the Charlotte Convention Center