
Trump, Pence step into the spotlight together

Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of being responsible for the rise of ISIS in an interview with “60 Minutes”.


Just hours after Donald Trump officially named Mike Pence as his vice-presidential pick, the IN governor walked back several of his prior policy positions to stand with his running mate – including having previously called Trump’s Muslim ban “offensive” and “unconstitutional”.

“He fights for the people, and he’s going to fight for you. He’s a solid, solid person”.

Although Indiana is part of the Midwestern industrial region known as the Rust Belt, which has lost manufacturing jobs, Trump said that as governor Pence had brought down unemployment, balanced the budget and made the state’s largest income tax cut.

But let’s talk about Mike Pence.

The ad’s tagline said: “Donald Trump. She’s going to pay it at the polls, believe me”.

“We have people that want to wipe us out”.

Ali Pardo, RNC’s Colorado Spokesowoman, shut down the notion that Trump and Pence have too many differences.

The group represents a blend of new and old Pence loyalists – but is notable for the lack of any longtime Trump staffers in the mix.

Therefore, Trump’s pick of Pence would also help to quell concerns among social conservatives that the NY billionaire developer is too liberal on social issues.

Once calling himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order”, Pence is also a beloved social conservative among the devout evangelical conservatives within the party.

He also briefly addressed the attempted coup in Turkey.


The presumptive Republican nominee at one point dismissed Mr Pence’s support of the Iraq War, despite having repeatedly chastised Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for backing military intervention in 2002. In what several critics are bashing as yet another “pompous display of narcissism”, Trump spoke at length about rival Hillary Clinton, terrorism, his own primary wins and of defeating a “Stop Trump” movement. “It’s very simple. And everybody here knows what those consequences are, but I won’t say that because I’m much more interested now in Mike”. Their names are on top of his campaign phrase “Make America Great Again!”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump introduces Gov. Mike Pence R-Ind. during a campaign event in New York