
Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters

A Democratic senator who attended the meeting said that some lawmakers were “freaked out” while reading poll numbers that showed Trump closing in on Clinton’s previously wide lead.


Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in four crucial swing states, according to a new poll out Friday, good news for the Clinton campaign that has seen other surveys show the presidential race tightening in recent weeks.

In the same poll last month, the Democrat Clinton had a six point lead over Trump – 43 to 37 percent.

Both Trump and Clinton continue to suffer from very high unfavorable marks. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.

Clinton also holds a comfortable 51 percent to 42 percent cushion over Trump in a recent Pew Research Center poll that largely stems from her overwhelming advantage in minority support.

Still, the poll shows both candidates in the low 40s – suggesting that 15 percent of voters have yet to admit picking either of the two candidates. Among this group, Clinton crushes Trump by 16 percentage points, according to a Bloomberg poll.

The situation gets even worse for Clinton when third party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are included.

Trump garners a whopping zero percent of the electorate among African-American voters in key swing states, a slice of the population that lies at the intersection of two key constituencies.

The overall polling indicates that Clinton may be in better shape in the must-win states of the campaign than nationwide, possibly because she’s been able to spend so much more on TV ads than Trump in those states.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, in a telephone survey of 1,212 voters, asked respondents whether Ms. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic party candidate or Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican party candidate, best represented their own views on health care.

In addition to the email scandal, many feel as though Clinton is not an honest candidate. Then Trump leads 41 percent to 36 percent.

Most of those polled also viewed Trump as untrustworthy. Marco Rubio, who changed his mind and made a decision to run for re-election, leads likely Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy by just three points among registered voters, 47 percent to 44 percent.

The WSJ/NBC/Marist poll was conducted from July 5 through 10.


Interestingly, Bernie Sanders still polls more favorably than Clinton, though the survey was taken before he officially endorsed her presidential bid on Tuesday.

Slamming Trump, Clinton to promise action on immigration