
Trump praises Putin, criticizes U.S. generals

“We will discuss how to intensify our efforts to defeat ISIS and keep our country safe”, Clinton said of the meeting scheduled for Friday.


“I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin and a very good relationship with Russian Federation”.

Obama hit back at Trump on Thursday for criticising his foreign policy record, saying the Republican nominee for the November 8 election was unfit to follow him into the Oval Office and the public should press him on his “outright wacky ideas”. But her past reluctance to take questions from a freewheeling pack of traveling journalists – commonplace in presidential politics – has fueled criticism about her relatability and provided ammunition to Republicans and their nominee, Donald Trump, who have accused her of hiding to avoid scrutiny. The forum could serve as a warm-up to their highly anticipated first presidential debate, scheduled for September 26 in NY.

A Donald Trump supporter upset with the vandals who’ve been stealing his campaign signs has rigged up a shocking surprise for future thieves. Meanwhile, he spent a third of his time with Clinton on questions about her private email server, meaning that he had nearly no time to ask her about anything else.

They’ve assailed the businessman for routinely ducking questions or offering unclear positions on Iraq, Libya, NATO, U.S. -Mexico relations and other key issues, making the broader point that their opponent is unfit to be commander in chief of the U.S. military and would make America less safe. “So when someone who doesn’t know the first thing about philanthropy tries to bring the Clinton Foundation into his political sideshow, President Clinton is going to stand up for it”.

A four-way matchup of all the candidates now stands to benefit Clinton, as she would pick up New Mexico and Iowa and top Donald Trump 332-206 in the Electoral College count.

“I wouldn’t do that”, Trump countered.

In Philadelphia, Trump said he planned to ask the nation’s generals and military experts to present a plan within 30 days of taking to defeat and destroy ISIS. Asked to square his request for military options with that criticism, Trump said simply: “They’ll probably be different generals”. And for the first time, he opened the door to granting legal status to people living in the USA illegally who join the military. “I said it was going to destabilize the Middle East and it has”, Trump said. “And I could see myself working that out”.

“I was totally against the war in Iraq”, Trump said during the NBC News event.

Trump responded, “Yeah, I guess so”.

Donald Trump says that he had a “thoughtful and substantive” conversation with Mexico’s president on Wednesday as he kicks off a long-awaited speech on immigration.

The appearances mark an intense, two-day focus on national security by Trump, who has offered tough rhetoric – but few details – on America’s challenges overseas.

“I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing I received”, said Clinton, a former secretary of state, before boarding her campaign plane.

The forum was the first time the two candidates shared the same stage on the same night, though they did not interact. Trump’s repeated attacks on the Khan family were widely criticized and came amid a stretch of behavior so erratic, even by the standards of his unorthodox campaign, that top Republicans were said to be exploring alternatives should he leave the race.


Questions about Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State have dogged her throughout her presidential campaign, and Wednesday, the issue came up yet again.

Trump: US generals 'reduced to rubble,' he'd replace some