
Trump raises $51 million in June as he steps up fundraising

The results from this month show the enthusiastic movement the campaign has created. The campaign established a digital fundraising operation late last month meant to cultivate grassroots donations; it brought in $26 million – $6.6 million of which was raised in conjunction with the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, which shares funds with the RNC.


“This was made possible with over 400,000 supporters, with 94% of our supporters giving under $200”, the campaign press release states.

Later Wednesday afternoon, Trump appealed to his Twitter followers for donations, tweeting, “To all of my twitter followers, please contribute whatever you can to the campaign”. But Trump still starts in a deep hole compared to her – he had only $1.3 million on hand as of June 1 – and the new figures nevertheless reveal that he will be substantially dependent on the Republican National Committee. His campaign has struggled to attract top bundlers, and he is expected to trail Clinton by at least $500 million in total dollars raised.

The combined $51 million falls short of the $68.5 million that presumptive Democratic contender Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party collected in June, which included $40.5 million she raised directly for her campaign.

Trump’s fundraising shop previously consisted publicly of only about 20 people, and the campaign began the month of June with only $1.3 million in the bank.

The GOP nominee’s fundraising operation also lags behind that of his predecessor, Mitt Romney, who raised $106 million in June 2012 for the campaign and joint committees, surpassing President Obama’s monthly total at that time. Trump lent his campaign nearly $50 million during the primary and said he will forgive those loans and convert them to a personal campaign contribution.

[The news] suggests that Trump has the ability to quickly inject large sums of money into his campaign coffers by tapping into the fervor of his supporters. She began July with $44 million in cash on hand.

The first email solicitation, which contained an unprecedented $2 million match from Donald J. Trump, exceeded our goal, collecting over $3 million in contributions in one day. Party fundraisers are finalizing a busy schedule of coming finance events for Trump, who is set to headline several events almost every week through the end of the summer, according to a person familiar with the plans. Trump’s topline numbers couldn’t immediately be verified Wednesday through a formal filing with the Federal Election Commission.

Those small-dollar contributions are valuable because they allow candidates to repeatedly tap those donors for online contributions before they hit the $2,700 limit on what they can give during a primary or general election.


Trump’s implementation of online fundraising came after a shake-up in the campaign late last month.

Donald Trump