
Trump rally in Vermont disrupted repeatedly by protesters

“I’m taking care of my people, not people who don’t want to vote for me or are undecided”, he said. Del Pozo is anxious about what will happen to the ticket holders who are denied entrance, and said the Trump campaign has no plans for dealing with them.


The Flynn Center says it has played no role in ticketing for the event, and the Trump campaign did not return a call from VTDigger seeking comment.

Majerus-Collins has attended other Trump rallies before with no issues.

Trump appeared more exasperated as the night went on and interruptions continued.

After hecklers repeatedly interrupted the GOP presidential candidate during a Thursday night rally in Vermont, Trump demanded guards kick out the protesters – and demanded that security staffers steal one of their jackets.

It was often hard to understand what the protesters were shouting, as they were quickly drowned out by Trump’s supporters.

Authorities said Thursday that two people have been arrested on terrorism-related charges in California and Texas, including a refugee from Iraq who is charged with lying to federal investigators about his travels to Syria. “Everybody said it”, said Trump.

Trump has shown his strong support for Second Amendment rights throughout his candidacy. “He is a very well-spoken man. You can say that about a lot of people, but for Trump he’s incredibly charasmatic and I love him”, said Jacob Martin, a Trump supporter.

Seating at the downtown Flynn Theater will be first-come, first served.

There were plenty of Trump supporters, and protesters in attendance.

Kiernan Majerus- Collins, 20, is now front and center of a viral video a Trump rally in Lowell, Massachusetts on Monday.

In a statement issued after Trump’s visit to Vermont became known, Sanders said he welcomed him to Vermont.

“Later today, Donald Trump will hold one of his campaign events in Burlington, Vermont – the city where Bernie was mayor, and the city from which we are running our campaign for president”, the email solicitation reads.

Trump told his audience that he would love to run against Sanders, calling the prospect “a dream come true”.

Burlington resident Mark Conrad says he got in line at 4:30 a.m. Thursday. But I got killed the next day.

They will not support a candidate who thinks climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.


To weed out protesters, the Trump campaign asked everyone entering the theater to pledge support to the billionaire TV star and businessman. “This is the largest factor of overbooking that most people have heard of”, he told the Vermont Press Bureau before the rally. According to WPTZ, several prominent local Republicans – a few worked for former Republican governor Jim Douglas – paid for a full-page ad in the Burlington Free Press that said, “America is great”. Opponents across the street chanted “We are the 99 percent”, while Trump supporters waved their signs in response.

A Bernie Sanders supporter held a sign outside the Donald Trump campaign stop in Burlington Vt. on Thursday