
Trump Reaches New High in Republican Presidential Contest

The Real Clear Politics average of polls for Iowa put Cruz solidly in the lead there as of last week. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., on December 10, 2015.


The survey represented a 21 percent jump for Cruz in two months since the last Register poll.

Condemnation by politicians and cable news pundits for his call to temporarily ban Muslim immigration into the USA appears to have won Trump new supporters. Cruz, however, is within striking distance of beating Clinton, while Trump – a man whose unfavorable rating among the electorate is famously high – would lose to Clinton by as much as 10 points, according to some polls.

Before the November debate in Milwaukee, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson was the Republican challenging Trump’s hegemony.

Panelist Mike Barnicle asked Scarborough if Ted Cruz’s support in Iowa translates into the general election and Scarborough said, “No. It does not”.

Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who led the group, said in his 23 years in the business, he’s never seen a phenomenon quite like Trump.

Limbaugh also said Trump’s support confounds the Republican establishment because its members usually create relationships that require money to ensure allegiance.

“One good sign for Sen”. Marco Rubio and former Gov. Jeb Bush.

Among Republicans, Rubio is on the rise.

Among that sample, 67 percent responded that they would feel either “enthusiastic” or “satisfied” if Trump became the GOP nominee, while 28 percent reported that they would be “dissatisfied” or “upset”. No other candidate received more than 3 percent.

National security and terrorism were the top issues for GOP primary voters, with 39 percent naming them as the most important and 18 percent naming them as their second choice.

There’s no sign of a recovery.

“I would say I have far better judgment than Ted”, Trump said in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, citing as examples his business success and opposition to the war in Iraq. In favorability, Trump beats Cruz (58%), Rubio (55%) and Carson (57%). “The more he says things in that make the Republican leaders cringe, the more he attracts people to his side”. No other candidate received more than 5 percent in that poll.

In New Hampshire, a larger turnout means the task is somewhat easier, and the most recent polls are more closely aligned with each other.


The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has Trump sitting at 27 percent and Cruz at 22 percent.

Trump backers baffled by criticism of his Muslim proposal